20 Most effective consulting techniques [2022 edition]

Numerous consultants are available, but none can assert their uniqueness and build a six-figure consulting practice.

Are you aware of why?

This is because not everyone who tries their hardest is successful. They are unaware of the most effective consulting techniques available to assist them in achieving success.

Effective consulting is more than simply asking the right consulting questions. It is a process of guiding the consultee through the necessary TRANSFORMATION.

Effective consultants assist their clients in realizing their full potential, overcoming obstacles, and experiencing the euphoria of success. These techniques will assist you in delving deeply into the mind of your consultee and effectively addressing the issue.

Simple and effective consulting techniques (That you must follow)

5-minute pre-session check-in

Even if you arrange an excellent session, there is no assurance that the client will well receive it.

This is why I prefer a 5-minute check-in before the session. It has numerous advantages.

To begin, you will learn about the issue your consultee is facing. This will enable you to thoroughly understand the client’s situation and suggest a solution suited to their specific requirements.

Second, it assists the consultee in mentally preparing for the next session and expedites your session prep. In this manner, both you and your client can evaluate the prior session’s performance and success.

One thing you should prioritize is developing an appropriate set of Consulting Questions. Consider the client’s point of view. Throughout the session, jot down the bullet points. Please use them to create the appropriate collection of tailored questionnaires for the upcoming session.

This is how clients will derive benefit from your sessions. They will recognize that you are adept at delving deeply into their difficulties and resolving them. Once you’ve developed a rapport with your clientele, you’re ready to go!

SMART- One of the most effective consulting techniques

SMART stands for:

S- Specific

M- Measurable

A- Attainable

R- Relevant

T- Time-based

Ambiguous ambitions will lead you nowhere. Your objectives must be well-structured. They must be specific and verified.

For example,

Consider the following two examples.

Case 1: I want to expand my business quickly and profitably.

Case 2: By the end of this month, I will have acquired five new clients. I intend to accomplish the same thing through references, social media networking, and the creation of informational content.

Now, Case 1 exemplifies a comprehensive circumstance. You must be more specific and action-oriented, as demonstrated by Case 2.

First, determine the objective you wish to accomplish and make it SMART. This will lubricate your growth engine’s gears.

Gold nuggets after each session

“The first impression is the final impression,” they say. Yes! While this is true, I believe the “LAST IMPRESSION” is far more potent.

It would help if you left a lasting impression on our client’s mind. How will you know if the session was beneficial to your client? That is where gold nuggets come in handy!

Encourage your clients to share their gold nuggets with you following each session. This can be accomplished by asking, “What were your key takeaways from this session?”

This will provide your clients with a clear image of the amount of value (ROI) they received from your session. If this information can be shared between you and your client, you may recap and utilize it to accelerate your pace.

With a questionnaire at the start and gold nuggets at the conclusion, a successful session is an inevitable conclusion.

Ask open-ended questions

If you ask your clients specific generic inquiries, you will never get to the root of the problem. This technique prevents clients from expressing their actual emotions.

To begin, you must comprehend psychology. This is only feasible when open-ended questions are asked.

This can be accomplished in a variety of ways.

Circular Questions

Circular queries are designed to elicit information about the customers’ close relationships rather than their own.

“How would your partner feel if you yelled at your children?”

These types of queries assist the client in adjusting to a new point of view and bringing about a shift in viewpoint.

Hypothetical Questions

Another on the list is to assist your clients in expressing themselves fully. These are forward-thinking inquiries that allow your client to exercise their ingenuity in solving problems and boosting ideas.

“What if you obtain the primary materials you currently lack?”

Miraculous Questions

My personal favorite! These assist the consultee in visualizing the ideal solution—these types of inquiries aid in identifying new sources of motivation and promote optimistic thinking.

“What would your day be like if you woke up tomorrow and realized you had accomplished your goal?”


As the name implies, this group of inquiries contradicts the client’s current condition. They astound their clients by escalating the issue. These also remind the client that the situation could be much worse, which it is not at present.

For instance, “What does it take for your boss to fire you?”

Leverage the power of writing

I am obsessed with writing down my goals. Writing your goals benefits you, but it also benefits your customer. It assists the client in analyzing progress and sharing feelings, mainly when it is recorded and discussed with both of you. A milestone is identified, and deeper conversations are launched.

Writing is a highly successful approach for assisting your client in achieving durable achievements.

Be fully present and focused.

While this may seem self-evident, it is vital to earn your client’s trust and maintain a strong connection. Before each session, take a moment to breathe deeply and calmly relax.

As soon as the session begins, focus exclusively on your customer. Remove any distractions. No cell phones are permitted! Set everything aside. This communicates to your client that you genuinely care about their situation and are involved in addressing it.

Follow Up

Follow up rigorously on the client’s progress, difficulties, and success.

This can be accomplished by using a basic questionnaire, ongoing feedback as a follow-up between sessions, or emails, among other methods. This can be an advantageous method of assessing the efficacy of your consulting. This demonstrates to your clients that you are concerned about their growth and that they are not alone in their hour of need.

Additionally, you can use the helpful information gathered (through feedback/questionnaire) to prepare for your next moves. Additionally, it assists in holding consumers accountable. This enables your clients to assess how the “said” has been “done.”

You can keep track of progress reports weekly or monthly for an in-depth and simplified examination.

Another excellent way to follow up is by consulting a journal. This is very similar to the ongoing input stated previously. Through writing, your customers can express their emotions, experiences, observations, challenges, triumphs, thoughts, and feelings.

The most astonishing thing is that your clients do not have to wait for the next appointment; they may immediately express whatever is on their minds. This contributes significantly to your reputation since you may also take your mentorship to the next level without your presence.

Follow the Grow model.

The GROW model is a deceptively simple and successful method for creating goals and resolving problems in consulting.

arrow, target, range
The image is taken from pixabay.com

G- Goal

The term “goal” refers to what the client wishes to accomplish. The objective should be simplified using the SMART method discussed previously.

R- Reality

This denotes the status quo. Where are your clients at the moment? How far removed is the existing situation from the client’s objectives?

O- Obstacles and Options

What are the roadblocks impeding your client’s progress toward goal accomplishment? Once you’ve identified them, look for viable solutions—options.

W- Way forward

Once the alternatives have been recognized, the time has come to act! Create an action plan and take some action-oriented activities to assist your clients in quickly achieving their dreams.

Try the ‘perfect day’ exercise.

Often, my clients are so consumed by their challenges that they lose sight of what success would look like.

This is an excellent exercise that I conduct with them to assist them in visualizing their ‘ideal day.’ They are tasked with imagining and describing their perfect day from start to finish during this exercise.

I advise my customers to include every detail—emotions, feelings, the reactions of close family members—everything. This is a successful strategy for consulting. It enables customers to see beyond obstacles and accelerate their progress toward experiencing bliss after victory.

Use the power of consulting software.

Conventional consulting tactics are ineffective in the modern-day. It is time to taste modernity’s excitement.

The majority of consultants in your niche are now optimizing their income through consulting software. You should begin immediately if you haven’t previously. Immediately!

Consultation software will enhance client communication, but it will also make it easier to use sound consulting practices. It will eliminate the majority of the tension involved with session preparation, worksheets, assignments, and appointment scheduling, allowing you to spend more quality time with your students.

Numerous consultation tools may aid you in developing a long-term, sustainable consulting practice.

Build genuine trust

Trust is a critical component of the consulting business. If your clients trust you, they will return for your services repeatedly. Not only that but obtaining references will become effortless.

Trust can only be earned by presenting yourself as a leader to clients hungry for a solution to their difficulties. You are not merely a consultant; you must establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche. A Promising Leader!

Keep these four concepts in mind as you work to acquire your consultees’ trust.

Demonstrate Emotional Intelligence

As a consultant, you must put yourself in your client’s shoes. Empathy and a keen understanding of human psychology are the two most critical elements in developing a fantastic recipe.

Until and unless you understand your clients’ hurdles, you will be unable to design solutions to assist them in overcoming them. Getting to the root of your client’s reluctance takes actual talents and emotional intelligence.

This incredible book can assist you in improving your performance by instilling the necessary skills and attitudes.

Develop learning cycles

Brilliant consultants are always on the lookout for new techniques. Each day, you should have the curiosity to learn and find something new.

Even consultants require the services of a consultant. While you may believe that your abilities are sufficient to resolve the issue, the reality is that the scenario may be considerably more complicated. Acquire the best consulting skills from highly qualified individuals and develop an ability to accommodate new and diverse perspectives.

Conduct research on consulting resources and the return on investment they would generate for you. Begin by reading some of the top consulting books available. Every consultant should own at least one of these.

Explore the 3Cs Model

The consulting system’s three C’s are clarity, confidence, and commitment.

Genuine consultants begin by discovering their clients’ particular talents and advising them on best utilizing them.

After that, advisors assist their customers in identifying the exact emotions that undermine their confidence. Fear is unavoidably one of them.

FEAR is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real.

You must ask your customer two questions for him or her to have an opportunity to conquer the phobia.

Question 1: What is the worst-case scenario?

Question 2: How likely is it that this will occur?

Commitment comes at the end when you must ask clients to reflect on their level of commitment to bringing about change. This emphasizes self-engagement. You can gauge your client’s degree of dedication by posing questions such as “If you were completely devoted to this assignment, what would success look like?” you can gauge your client’s degree of dedication.

The discrepancy between the client’s existing state and the ideal state should be assessed and appraised.

Build a tribe around your area of specialty

The majority of consultants cultivate a following centered on their name. Why not create a tribe centered on your theme? Numerous industry leaders have achieved considerable celebrity as a result of this. For instance, if you’re into executive consulting, promote it via online communities.

When a client approaches you for the first time, it is most likely because they are more interested in your initiative than in your name.

Create a buzz in the market about your consulting firm. Utilize social media and networking events to your advantage. Demonstrate your market leadership. Determine and demonstrate the factors that contribute to your competitive advantage.

You will quickly realize that you are a well-known personality with a strong presence in your field of expertise.

Identify Risks and Opportunities with the Implications Wheel

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Image from pixabay.com

Joel Barker’s Implications Wheel is the most potent tool consultants, and leaders employ to develop winning strategies.

It lets decision-makers anticipate potential future risks and possibilities connected with high-stakes decisions consistently and promptly.

Typically, the wheel is used to forecast the consequences of any event that could affect the future.

The method of creating the wheel is comprised of four distinct steps.

To begin, the wheel’s center is formed. This section establishes the context for the topic, trend, aim, or change.

Following that, the client described the center. The customer is tasked with identifying the first-order events that could occur due to the occurrence of the main event.

Following that, the other spokes of the wheel — the second, third, and fourth-order events – are fleshed out. These are the possible outcomes if the previous first-order events occur.

Finally, the client is asked to assign a probability and desirability rating to each inference. In this approach, you may assist your clients in developing successful strategies.

The bias discovery tool

It would help if you comprehended unconscious bias’s influence on behavior, decision-making, and interpersonal dynamics.

Consultants who employ the “bias discovery” technique place a premium on discovering and bridging the gap between clients’ intentions and actual behavior. They assist clients in determining when unconscious biases can be advantageous and when they can be detrimental.

The mind and its acceptance of change are the first steps. However, if an unknown bias exists, it can obstruct the shift from occurring.

I help clients unearth ingrained assumptions that may obstruct the consulting process and subsequent transformation. Bias undermines confidence. After recognizing their bias, my clients work with heightened awareness and bravery.

Partner in the success

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Image from pixabay.com

At the time, your client is entirely alone. It would help if you reassured your client not only with solid words but also with a personal touch. This may be accomplished only if you appear to the client as a buddy rather than a mentor.

Invest in your success. While establishing a goal, don’t forget to claim a portion of it. Please do not leave it unattended. Take an active role in following up and completing tasks.

Your client lacks a strong support network of family or friends, so they have turned to you. Replace “you” with “we” and “your” with “our” to demonstrate to your client that the two of you form an excellent team with a lot of promise and an efficient approach to achieving the goal.

Know how to handle the hard stuff

This technique of consulting cannot be overlooked. Every day is not pleasant. Occasionally, you will encounter adversity. Perhaps a client is tough to deal with. They may be combative, impatient, or even offensive.

Occasionally, a client may coerce you to cross your boundary and ask you to agree to something stupid.

What would you do in such a situation?

Compromise? Because this is your client? No, not.

Ascertain that you earn diamonds rather than stones. Of course, you must be incredibly patient and know how to deal with demanding clients. However, you must also know when to say “NO.”

Understand your core values, as they serve as a reference point or anchor. Attempt to maintain a humble tone in your tone. Develop a good capacity for tolerance. You are allowed to terminate the engagement after the boundary has been passed.

Consultant with passion

Consultants with experience are not always superior.

Do you recall your days in school? Even a teacher with strong academic credentials may not always be able to engage the class adequately.

Likewise, consultants are involved. While consulting, you must be passionate; only then can you make a lasting impression on your clients.

At various points, your passion will be put to the test. You must persevere and remain motivated, as only you can motivate others.

You will occasionally encounter insecurity and volatility. It is critical to adjust to change if you are slow at this; practice how great consultants overcome resistance to change.


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