Great Consulting questions You Need to Ask

I’ve learned in life that there is no end to questions. And that is the most beautiful aspect of living. It would help if you were interested enough to enquire. It would help if you had the humility to ask inquiries and a desire to learn. Additionally, it would be best to be prudent enough to analyze (answers). This is true at all stages of life. I frequently generate excellent consulting questions to motivate my customers as a consultant.

Great Consulting questions You Need to Ask consulting questions
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Consulting is about developing a trusting relationship with the customer. Only when the client has sufficient faith in you will you have the tools needed to execute your job!

I had previously compiled a list of approximately 44 questions consultants MUST ask their clients. These questions serve as a springboard for the consulting journey. Revisit the questions periodically and use them as yardsticks for success! You can read the blog and begin your consulting adventure by clicking here. Kindly contact me if you have any other questions. Or perhaps you’d like to add some other pertinent questions to this list!

There is no limit to the number of questions that a consultant or customer can ask. As a result, I’ve endeavored to pose five questions below based on various life scenarios. The questions are intended to elicit thought. Bear in mind that there are no correct or incorrect responses! Each individual can respond to questions differently depending on their life circumstances. The same person may have various reactions to these questions later in life! Such is the strength of inquiry.

And if you are unable to answer any of the above questions, I recommend the following:

Great Consulting questions You Need to Ask consulting questions
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Choosing Your Path: Self-Consultation Questions

To my mind, self-discovery is usually the most challenging trip to embark on. Prior to interrogating your client, you will need to answer some difficult questions.

  1. The first question is why you want to be a consultant in the first place. Is it because you excel at guiding people through their life transitions? Or is it the money that draws you to this line of work?

Let’s face facts. Yes, if you are a good consultant, you can earn a nice living. However, most consultants are driven to this profession because they believe they have an innate ability to mentor and consult other human beings. The ability to significantly contribute to another person’s personal or professional development is an uncommon gift. Utilize your contribution if you have one!

  1. Can consultants earn a living? Can they afford education for their children or save for their trip plans? Should you pursue consulting as a full-time endeavor?

Consider the following statistics.

The International Consultant Federation reported last year that there were 53,300 consultants worldwide. This is an increase from the 47,500 part-time and full-time consultants employed globally in 2011.

33% of these consultants are based in the United States, totaling 17,500 professionals. In 2015, the estimated market value of personal consulting in the United States was $955 million. In 2016, it increased to $1.02 billion, up from $707 million in 2011.

According to the same organization, consultants earn an average yearly salary of $27,100 to $73,100. Specific specialty consultants earn well over $100,000.

Executive consultants can also earn a good living. Salaries for most consultants begin at $150 and range up to $350. Additionally, organizational consultants may charge $1,000 for each session.

The market is continuing to grow and evolve. Executive consulting is gaining traction as many firms recognize its benefits. The demand for competent, trained, and well-respected consultants are increasing. Increased awareness is generating interest in various fields, including sports, religion, and personal and commercial advising. This may potentially result in significant earnings for the market’s best advisors.

  1. Should you pursue consulting as a full-time career?


If you are starting or moving careers, I would advise caution. As a part-time option, you can begin consulting. Once you start acquiring clients and developing your brand, you will quit your day job. It takes time, commitment, and passion for building a new brand.

Whether you choose to pursue consulting full-time or part-time, the reality is that you might earn up to a five-figure return on your investment. Discover how a simple mentality shift enabled me to expand my business here.

  1. How will you set yourself apart as a consultant?

Three factors will assist you in achieving the career of your dreams. These include the following:

  1. Conduct market research. What market void are you aiming to fill? Is there something that distinguishes you? Are there any businesses that provide similar services? How much money are individuals prepared to pay? All of these questions will assist you in conducting a market survey to expand your organization.
  2. Self-evaluation with a critical eye. What is your most distinguishing feature? Which personality type are you? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you prefer substantial group consultations or more intimate, one-on-one interactions? Who is your ideal customer? Do you have a mental image of your perfect client? Which consulting specialty are you considering? This varies according to your area of expertise. You can select from the following consulting types and categories.
  3. Training. The consulting sector is currently unregulated, and there is no requirement for accreditation to work as a consultant. However, you may wish to consider training. A brief course will provide you with the necessary technical abilities and prepare you for future difficulties. Invest in yourself first before you ask clients to do so!
  4. How should you conduct yourself as a consultant?

This is purely subjective and is determined by your attitude and personality. I previously discussed the three sorts of consulting styles in a blog post. There are three distinct styles: autocratic, democratic, and comprehensive.

Great Consulting questions You Need to Ask consulting questions
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You may also want to look up different consulting categories. I have mentioned some below.

Different Types of Consulting

I previously discussed 11 consulting categories in a blog post. Among them are the following:

  • Life consulting: The name is self-explanatory. This consultant assists a client in resolving any issues that may arise. Life consultants transform people’s lives, from personality development to professional changes! Consider them to be a general practitioner. They overcome all obstacles.
  • Wellness consultant: As stated previously, a wellness consultant is a cross between a healthcare expert and a personal trainer. A wellness consultant’s role is to collaborate with clients and gradually help them through the difficulties that cause them to regress into self-destructive and unhealthy behavior.
  • Business consulting: Business consultants work their enchantment on business leaders. This includes assisting entrepreneurs in establishing their businesses. Or by helping small and large enterprises double their profits. As more companies see the value of consultation, they hire business consultants for team building.
  • Executive consulting: Because executive consultants deal primarily with senior management, they are highly demanded. They are working with an organizational consultant benefits, senior executives. The latter can provide them with an objective and critical assessment of no longer beneficial behaviors.
  • Career transition consulting: Have you ever been laid off or faced downsizing? You are not alone in this. Career advisors assist individuals in adjusting to job loss or a career change. They contribute to people’s confidence during moments like this.
  • Relationship consulting: Before joining, I worked as a dating consultant. I founded my own company, “SaiFi Dating.” Relationship counselors assist individuals in overcoming their restricting personal characteristics to meet their ideal match.
  • Personal development consulting: Self-development books, videos, and consultants are the most oversized selling items on the market right now. As I previously stated, personal development counseling is comparable to live-to-coach. Both share the same goal of assisting a person is progressing.
  • Sales consulting: Each firm has a single metric for success: revenue. As a result, sales are the lifeblood of any sector or business. Unsurprisingly, large corporations and salespeople seek the assistance of consultants.

Several more sorts of consulting exist. These services include religious counseling and sports counseling, among others.

Consultative Questions To Ponder With Your Client

According to an adage, consultants do not deliver answers. They pose excellent questions! That is, in essence, what a consultant is expected to do.

Great Consulting questions You Need to Ask consulting questions
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Engaged listening and probing questions assist clients in clearly defining their objectives. The following are the effects that powerful inquiries have on your clients:

  • Stimulates and promotes creativity
  • Helps the client in focusing and directing their efforts toward problem-solving
  • It brings to light underlying beliefs and intents
  • Allows for change

This article raises an intriguing topic concerning the art of questioning.

“Asking the appropriate consulting questions distinguishes a one-way interrogation from a dynamic learning session.”

According to the ICF Core Consulting Competencies, “awareness-building questions” should be used. These are frequently the starting points for discovery and begin with: What, When, How, Who, and If. I highlighted 34 consulting questions to ask your customers in a previous blog post.

This essay will discuss only five practical questions to ask the client. I strongly advise you to review my previous blog postings on the types of questions that consultants should ask. Two of my related blog posts can be found here and here.

Several of the most effective consulting questions to ask a client include the following:

  1. What is the one goal you have for our consultation together? Why is this critical to you?

This is the consulting question that will assist in setting expectations and boundaries. It will help the customer state clearly what they are seeking during the consulting session. Most significantly, it will assist you in defining success. Take a look at the illustration below!

Great Consulting questions You Need to Ask consulting questions
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A consultant can only supply the necessary keys. The consultee will have to determine which key is functional and unlock it independently!

  1. Visualize yourself succeeding as a human being in your life/business/role in the future. What would you wish to accomplish if you could get the results you desired?

This consultation question aids the consultee in visualizing the outcome. Additionally, work for goals.

Once the vision becomes apparent, individuals continue on the path ahead. They are conscious of the impediments on their trail. They occasionally require assistance. Limiting behaviors/mindsets may act as impediments. Overcoming these obstacles is where a consultant can assist.

  1. Why is it essential for you to be a good human being/leader/athlete?

In the above consulting question, include the consultee’s vision. This is a soul-searching question. It instills in a consultee the capacity for “feeling wonderful.”

Great Consulting questions You Need to Ask consulting questions
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The feel-good element is the most effective incentive. It will urge everyone to come back for more. And the consultant’s responsibility is to show him how to achieve that.

  1. What are the factors holding you back from attaining your dreams? What will you do today to correct those?

Answering this consulting question is tricky for everyone! Obstacles can be perceived or real. They may have been self-imposed or may genuinely be a result of circumstances. Removing self-constructed roadblocks takes bravery. This is where the job of a consultant is crucial.

  1. How quickly can we grasp the outcomes from the preceding step? What is the next step?

It is crucial to analyze progress in the path to success continually. Goals should be for the short-term and long-term. Only when a consultee recognizes the impact of corrective efforts can he reach more significant problems.

These are just a handful of the consultation questions that each consultant can employ.

This Forbes article identified sixteen consulting questions that consultants ask their customers during the consultation process.

Phrases Descriptive To Assist With Consulting Questions

Occasionally, you will find yourself stumped when phrasing a consulting question or interrogating a client. You and your client may have agreed on boundaries. However, specific consulting questions are sure to make them feel uneasy. That is precisely the point!

Self-development is a process that is inevitably untidy at times. Proper growth and transformation can occur only when an individual commits self-development.

The following are some descriptive phrases from this article that are open-ended. These will expedite the consultation question-and-answer session:

  • Could you assist me in understanding?
  • Inform me more about that…
  • Allow me to ensure that I understand what you’re saying…
  • I’m intrigued by…
  • Could you elaborate…

Excellent Consultative Questions To Ask

Everyone will seek value for money in these times of financial uncertainty and increasing awareness of return on investment (ROI). The client, too, has the right to request information about the consultant. The following are some possible consulting questions to ask consultants:

  1. Inform us about your credentials.

Numerous individuals and businesses are joining up for consulting as awareness of the benefits of consulting grows. On the other hand, clients will request to see a consultant’s credentials and training. Extensive experience in a particular industry or area is advantageous in several instances. Most importantly, clients want to know whether your consulting will assist them in achieving their objectives. My recommendation is to tailor your expectations to the client’s priorities. Consulting is all about developing a trusting relationship. If you earn the consultee’s trust, they will receive your counsel more openly.

  1. How is a typical consulting process conducted?

The client is seeking straightforward responses. How long will it take to obtain results? What will the cost be? Each consultant may have their procedure. Is a consultant’s recommendation for leadership assessments or 360-degree feedback? How frequently would the consultant and the client meet or communicate? What if the consulting partnership is unsuccessful? An intelligent consultant will adapt established processes to a client’s unique consulting requirements. That is the reassurance the client seeks.

  1. Which types of clients have you successfully served?

I’ve stated this previously as well. Be completely candid about how long you’ve been consulting and your track record with leaders. If you have a list of past leaders with whom you’ve worked, make it available to your future employer (with their permission, of course!)

Certain types of consulting require an understanding of the industry and sector. Consider a football consultant. It would be advantageous if the consultant had participated in the sport, wouldn’t it? However, perseverance, team spirit, and the ability to deal with game-related stress are also characteristics shared by all sports.

Consulting is a collaborative effort, and both sides require candor. A customer has the right to engage with a consultant who will assist them in determining whether to enter this partnership or not.

  1. How do you overcome inertia or aversion to change?

Change is a necessary component of growth. However, it is a difficult commitment to establish and maintain. It’s significantly more difficult for top leaders. Resistance to change is a natural human characteristic. Frequently, an effective consultant anticipates where and how the opposition will manifest.

Additionally, a skilled consultant will work with the customer to resolve it. However, trust is a critical component of this journey. Therefore, communication between the consultant and consultee is crucial at every level.

  1. Have you any consultation inquiries for me/us?

This is an excellent way to conclude an interview. The consultant’s queries will provide insight into the prospective client’s operational style and priorities. A well-prepared consultant will have a list of consultation questions that will assist them in determining whether or not a client is a good fit. Alternatively, the consulting questions may reveal difficulties that the consultant may confront in the future. For instance, is the client averse to change? If yes, to what extent is he willing to collaborate with the consultant to effect necessary changes?

Likewise, the client will understand the consultant’s value system. Is the consultant willing to be flexible if a process is not working? Is it possible to negotiate a shift in priorities in the middle of a consulting process? These are all critical consulting questions to address at the outset of every consulting relationship.

I hope these consultation questions above will help you feel more empowered while meeting with clients. Consider it similar to a job interview! And adequately prepare for it.

Books Concerning Consulting Issues

Numerous books are available on consulting topics!

A quick Google search yielded several options. You might wish to dig a little deeper or pick up one of the books recommended below:

  • “Consulting questions: 101 Consulting Questions for the Consultant and the Consulting Client for an Empowering Consulting Session” by Randy Wayne
  • “Co-Active Consulting: Changing Business, Transforming Lives” by Henry Kimsey-House, Karen Kimsey-House, Laura Whitworth, and Phillip Sandahl
  • “The Consulting Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever” by Michael Bungay Stanier
  • “Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Consulting, and Life” by Marilee Adams
  • “Questions for Jesus: Conversational Prayer Around Your Deepest Desires” by Tony Stoltzfus
  • “Life Consulting Activities and Powerful Questions: A Life Consulting Activities Workbook” by Phyllis Reardon
  • “Consulting questions: 200 Breakthrough Questions for Career and Business Mastery” by Gerald Confienza
  • “Powerful questions for consultants and mentors” by David Clutterbuck
  • “Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling” by Edgar Schein

My Path To Success

And now, allow me to share with you my experience to demonstrate that reaching success is a continuous process. We may not immediately develop a successful business. That is the moment to reflect and, if necessary, resurrect our business.

In a previous essay, I discussed why it’s critical to establish a specialty. I lost $100,000 years ago while attempting to please everyone and targeting a large crowd as a clientele. Then I understood I had something to contribute that no one else could. I could sell my services to a very specific demographic.

Ensure that you learn from my errors and continue!



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