How to Become a Women Empowerment Consultant [2022 Edition]

Is a woman empowerment consultant still required in 2021? If women demand equality, why are we focusing exclusively on women empowerment through consulting?

How to Become a Women Empowerment Consultant [2022 Edition] Women Empowerment Consultant
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Yes, there is a requirement, and it is critical.

There has been a great deal spoken about gender equality.

Nonetheless, the wage disparity persists, and the glass ceiling is undeniably present.

Women have a long way to go. They must continue to pay pink tax.

Despite reduced wages, they continue to face emotional labor. Additionally, they are underrepresented in leadership positions. The World Economic Forum calculated in 2017 that it would take 217 years to close the salary gap.

Is there a need for women empowerment consultant?

According to a study, women work 10% harder than males in today’s offices, despite interruptions.

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Nonetheless, they are badly underrepresented in a variety of vocations. They are frequently underpaid and undervalued. And they often shoulder the brunt of the hard work in collaborative work settings. Despite this, women receive fewer financial and other benefits than males.

What do you believe women require in these circumstances?

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The majority? True, you are correct. Recognize their efforts and accord them equal standing in all spheres, including their salary. While governments and businesses debate how to achieve gender parity, what can women do? They are capable of assisting themselves:

  •  By developing self-confidence and demonstrating their capabilities
  •  By recognizing their strengths and taking ownership of their accomplishments
  •  By demonstrating their equality and taking a seat at the boardroom table

Who do you believe can assist them in this endeavor?

A consultant for women empowerment!

What is empowerment consulting for women?

How to Become a Women Empowerment Consultant [2022 Edition] Women Empowerment Consultant

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Now consider the role of an empowerment consultant.

  •  Instills confidence in clients and sets the road for a fulfilling life
  •  Educates clients on how to recognize and capitalize on their innate strengths
  •  Assists clients in overcoming any self-limiting ideas

A woman’s empowerment consultant is expected to assist her in reaching her full potential, both at work and home.

Why is gender equality so critical?

According to a poll cited here, progress toward gender equality could result in a $12 trillion boost to global GDP by 2025.

The United Nations Population Fund discusses the importance of gender equality.

Equal opportunity for women and men is inextricably related to sustainable development.

It is critical for the attainment of universal human rights. The overarching goal of gender equality is to create a society where women and men have equal opportunities, rights, and responsibilities in all aspects of life.

Even today, gender disparities remain throughout industries in the United States of America. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research’s article Gender Differences in Sectors of Employment contains some interesting statistics. The website contains pertinent data from the majority of states

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How Can Consultants for Women Empowerment Assist?

To begin, let us consider why corporations desire women in the workforce.

Several reasons businesses prefer to hire women can be deduced from this. The following explanations are given:

  1.  A range of viewpoints and experiences. When you view the world through a particular lens, you notice things others miss.
  2.  Provide access to more organizations. Women’s inclusion may have a cascading effect. It may pave the way for other groups, such as Americans of color.
  3.  Collaboration results in improved processes and systems. More female engagement may result in enhanced collaborative brainstorming and problem-solving.
  4. Improved organizational skills. According to studies, women are excellent multitaskers.
  5.  A more cohesive community. Additionally, reports indicate that women use social media more than men. This is because women are more concerned with community building. Every organization benefits from having a supportive community.
  6.  Improved image. Ethical organizations are typically regarded and recognized by society. And this contributes to the success of an organization.
  7.  A more just and peaceful international society. According to this website, women’s political participation brings actual benefits to democracy. This includes enhanced responsiveness to citizen needs, increased cross-party and cross-ethnic collaboration, and a more sustainable future.

Nonetheless, some of the obstacles women encounter in the job include the following:

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What do women desire? Is this consulting for empowerment?

Is there a genuine demand for women empowerment consulting?

I addressed this in my piece How To Become A Personal Empowerment Consultant: The Definitive Guide.

If you believe that the world needs more agile, influential leaders, then YES! Women do require and desire to consult on women empowerment.

Women are receptive to empowerment consulting that will assist them in realizing their full potential. Gender diversity will only increase productivity in businesses.


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Why should clients employ you as a consultant for women empowerment?

Are you a newcomer to the field of women empowerment consulting? Or are you considering a career change to become a consultant for women empowerment? Are you convinced that this is your actual calling? In any case, several of the concerns are similar. The majority of consultants ponder the following questions.

  1.  Currently, there are fewer women in senior leadership roles. How am I going to attract clients? How am I going to start/maintain my business?
  2.  How can I become noticed in a saturated market for my specialized consulting services?
  3.  How will I market and promote my consulting services for women empowerment?
  4.  Will I earn enough money as a women empowerment consultant to live comfortably?
  5.  Should I resign from my work to pursue a career as a women empowerment consultant?

Are you able to identify with these concerns? If any of these are questions you’ve asked yourself, you’ve come to the perfect spot. I will address each of the questions given above in this blog.

Additionally, you will benefit from reading my blog, Eight methods to think like a customer (which will get you consulting clients fast).

Consultations on women empowerment: Identify your target audience

First, let us consider who is searching for a women empowerment counselor.

How would you describe your target audience? And what qualities are they seeking in you?

The majority of clients who hire women empowerment consultants seek the following:

  •  An awareness of the factors that may be impeding their path to actual achievement
  •  Believing in themselves and developing an appreciation for their worth
  •  Someone who will hold them accountable for accomplishing their objectives

Your client may be an entrepreneur or an established businessperson.

On the other hand, it could be someone in a position of authority within a corporation. Additionally, it could be a company committed to establishing a gender-balanced workplace.

After determining your target audience, consider what you have to offer them. What distinguishes you from the competition? Are you providing anything that your competitors do not? If so, how will you charge for your services as a consultant for women’s empowerment?

Take a look at my previous blog, Is Marketing Critical to My Consulting Business. This will assist you in responding to several of the questions.

This gets me to my second point.

With so many experts on the market, how will you stand out?

How to Become a Women Empowerment Consultant [2022 Edition] Women Empowerment Consultant

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Women empowerment consulting: Take care in developing your brand.

As a consultant specializing in women empowerment, you already cater to a specialized audience. Thus, your problem of determining the wants of a target audience has been resolved.

You might want to read why I’m always on the lookout for a niche in this context. I previously lost $10,000 before understanding my errors. Since then, I’ve been able to run a profitable firm. How I wish I’d known what I know now back then!

How will you create an effect with your women empowerment consulting services in a saturated market?

To begin, consider the brand you are developing. Your brand is, in this situation, you! People gravitate toward brands that believe in causes with which they can identify. Are you committed to a cause that promotes women’s empowerment? Have you ever worked with a corporation that advocated for a reason like this? If this is the case, include it in your brand identity.

Second, take an examination of your marketing plan. I’ve prepared a blog post addressing this directly, 50 marketing recommendations for consultants.

How to Become a Women Empowerment Consultant [2022 Edition] Women Empowerment Consultant

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This gets me to the third and last question I posed previously. Can you earn a living as a consultant for women’s empowerment?

How much can a consultant for women empowerment earn?

How much money can you earn as a women empowerment consultant? And do women pay less for consultants than men do?

Salaries for consulting are pretty variable. For instance, this website states that life consultants earn an average of $160 per hour. Executive consultants are compensated at $325 per hour, while business consultants are paid $235 per hour. reports that the average executive consultant pay in the United States is $98,264. However, according to this website, the typical hourly wage ranges from $15.96 (Career Consultant) to $81.58 (Agile Consultant).

This enormous disparity is highlighted in greater detail at

According to the website, the wage range for executive consultants is extensive. These consultants work with executives such as CEOs and chief marketing officers. Salaries for most consultants begin at $150 and range up to $350. Additionally, executive consultants may charge $1,000 for each session. These experts provide life coaching, strategic sounding boards, and other assistance.

The wild nature of the industry partly explains this disparity in pay. There is insufficient information about the wages of women empowerment consultants. However, a study reveals that the number of female CEOs may be lower. However, they earn more than their male colleagues.

This, hopefully, also means that you can earn a living consulting with some of these clients.

How to Become a Women Empowerment Consultant [2022 Edition] Women Empowerment Consultant
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And in some cities, such as Kansas City, Missouri, women make 102% of what males earn in the same technology position. For additional information, read this article.

Is there a market for consultants specializing in women empowerment?

Consulting is a rapidly expanding industry.

Consider some commercial realities. I’ve already mentioned these facts in previous blog postings. However, this establishes a baseline for what you can anticipate earning as a consultant.

According to this article, the life consulting sector has surpassed the $1 billion level.

  •  The International Consultant Federation has a membership of 53,300. It is growing at a steady rate.
  •  The average annual salary for life consultants is between $27,100 and $73,100. Yearly fees for specialty consultants might exceed $100,000.
  •  The life consulting industry is expected to grow at approximately 6.7 percent. By 2022, revenues would reach $1.34 billion.
  •  92 percent of life consultants continue to practice.
  •  Around 3,700 consultants worked in Asia. They generated a total of $113 million in annual sales.
  •  Increasingly, organizations hire life coaches rather than mental health counselors to help with their staff (no stigma).
  •  Currently, life consultants are unregulated. State licensing is not required. This implies practice freedom but also raises questions regarding quality.
  •  Executive consultants can also earn a good living. Salaries for most consultants begin at $150 and range up to $350. Additionally, executive consultants may charge $1,000 for each session.

The 2017 ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study was the subject of this news item. Additionally, PwC Research did the research. It read as follows:

  •  89 percent of Indians are aware of the existence of life consulting.
  •  59% have worked with a life consultant at some point.
  •  97 percent of respondents indicated that they were satisfied with their experience.

Because women empowerment consultants have a very distinct niche, they capitalize on this massive market.

You’re probably wondering how you’re going to get your brand name acknowledged. The market is constantly shifting and expanding. However, competition is becoming more fierce. For pointers, you might want to check out my blog on How to Promote Your Life Consulting Business. for tips.

How to Become a Women Empowerment Consultant [2022 Edition] Women Empowerment Consultant
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How is consulting for women empowerment beneficial?

What is preventing women from progressing?

How to Become a Women Empowerment Consultant [2022 Edition] Women Empowerment Consultant

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According to this website, social and financial barriers prevent women from choosing STEM careers.

Those include:

  • A scarcity of mentors.
  •  Inadequate representation of female role models in the same field.
  •  Discrimination against women and disrespectful behavior in the workplace.
  •  Unequal opportunities for advancement compared to male coworkers.
  • The lower pay for the same job.
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How can a women empowerment consultant assist the customer in the scenario mentioned above?

Women empowerment consultants do not merely advise clients. Their primary function is to effect a more profound transformation. They assist clients in changing their habits. And this can occur only when there is self-awareness.

Primarily, they accomplish the following three tasks:

  •  Assists the customer in defining meaningful goals
  •  Collaborates with the customer to design a strategy for achieving the client’s objectives
  •  Motivates and assists the customer in carrying out the strategy

It is critical to understand precisely what you do. This is because clients frequently make requests outside your scope of work. I will discuss this further later.

Women empowerment consultants assist their customers in accomplishing the following.

  •  Recognize one’s talents and weaknesses
  •  Analyze and comprehend self-sufficiency thoughts and behaviors
  •  Strive to achieve a more enlightened version of themselves that is congruent with their objectives

What characteristics define a successful women empowerment consultant?

How would you describe yourself as a consultant? Or, more precisely, what type of consultant do you hope to be?

A good consultant, according to this article, possesses the following attributes. Typically, they:

  •  Are illustrative rather than authoritative
  •  Are conscientious listeners
  •  Pose compelling questions
  •  Do not harbor any secret objectives
  •  Establish direction

While this summarizes several of the essential characteristics, it is not exhaustive.

Several other characteristics are inherent in all successful consultants.

I’ve mentioned several of these in previous blogs. I discussed some attributes in my piece Top 10 Consulting Skills You Must Have as a Life Consultant.

  •  Ability to listen. This is the most fundamental and critical talent to possess. Active listening is not synonymous with issue solving. This implies that you are looking for behavioral patterns expressed through words and body language. Maintain your focus while the client expresses her wants or emotions. Disconnect from your thoughts and judgments. Continue to be inquisitive and exhibit genuine curiosity. Interruptions should be kept to a minimum. The following image is from a learning center and summarizes this.
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  •  Use the practice of reflection to strengthen relationships. Reiterate or summarize the central ideas discussed. Concisely summarize the critical message in a few action-oriented sentences. Recite meaningful phrases. Imitating the client’s voice organizes the line of thinking and establishes rapport.


  •  Inquiry. Throughout your engagement, ask compelling questions. Maintain open-ended inquiries and stimulate discussion. As a women empowerment consultant, you are responsible for maintaining a client-centered approach. Inquire about your client what she is doing to accomplish her goals. What is she feeling at any given moment?


  •  Assume the role of an accountability partner. Inform your client that you are a part of the same team. Provoke her by interrogating her intentions and agreeing on a set of objectives. Then assist her in accomplishing these. Clients may be held back by a lack of self-confidence. Constantly challenge these mindsets. Assure that the customer leaves your office with a transformed perspective and the confidence to solve his problem, not with a solution to his problem.


  •  Maintaining confidentiality is critical. It is your responsibility to reassure the client that she is in good hands with you. Before you begin, agree with your client on the information you can offer!

    Several additional characteristics define a good consultant. You can read the rest of my blog for further information.

    You might also like to check out my blogs on 21 Consulting Skills Every Successful Consultant Must Have and Top Consultant Qualities.

    These characteristics are beneficial for all consultants, including those specializing in women’s empowerment.

How to Become a Women Empowerment Consultant [2022 Edition] Women Empowerment Consultant

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Top qualities for a consultant specializing in women empowerment

Is there anything that your client seeks in a women empowerment consultant?

Apart from a willingness to assist others, the characteristics of a competent consultant are universal.

Clients seeking a women empowerment consultant, on the other hand, typically trust individuals who have worked with other female leaders. This is because women have a unique perspective compared to men. As a result, a women empowerment consultant will have a greater awareness of the issues confronting women.

Do not be concerned if you lack such experience. Suppose you are a woman empowerment consultant who is just getting started, attempting to create a portfolio of female customers. Consider approaching aspiring female entrepreneurs and offering your services. In a few instances, you may be required to work for free. Amass credible references. Your volunteer efforts will eventually pay off in excellent customer referrals and experience.

Is certification required to work as a women empowerment consultant?

That is not the case!

Currently, the consulting sector is unregulated. This means that anyone can pretend to be a consultant for women’s empowerment.

What will set you apart is your competence as a good consultant, your ability to market yourself effectively, and your ability to obtain positive client referrals. More information on these topics can be found in my blog, Is Marketing Critical to My Consulting Business?

A women empowerment consultant’s primary objective is to assist a client in reaching her full potential. It is not necessary to have certification to do so. However, as I explained in my essay Can you be a Life Consultant without Certification, it is critical to obtain training.

As I often say, invest in yourself first before asking clients to do the same. You can begin by registering for my complimentary webinar. Details are included in the final section of this blog.

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Resources to assist you in building a successful career as a women empowerment consultant

A simple Google search will reveal several online resources, books, and podcasts. As a consultant for women empowerment, you may choose to research some of these.

The following is a list of the Top 30 Women Empowerment Blogs and Websites in 2021. Additionally, you might be interested in this list of the Top 20 female career consultants to follow right now. The rationale is that pursuing these occupations will provide you with the necessary encouragement to pursue your calling.

Additionally, you might be interested in reading my blog on the Best Executive Consultants to Follow in 2021.

Books to read as a consultant for women empowerment

Enter the keywords “books + women empowerment consulting” into Google’s search bar. What are your observations? There are a few additional pertinent links, but there is no complete list of empowerment consulting by/for women?

Surprised? Yes, I was as well.

However, since you’ve read this far into my article, allow me to give you a tip right now. Why don’t you publish a book about consulting for women empowerment? You can thank me later for this consulting-related business idea!

I found a list on titled 13 Women’s Motivational Books To Read If You Need A Little Life Consulting.

Additionally, For Everything Woman: 21 Life Lessons to Help You Unlock Your Full Potential A Woman’s Empowerment Consulting Guide Paperback by Consultant Lady is a comparable book on Was It Something I Said? is a slightly different but related book on sports consulting: Vanessa Sullivan and Mike Tully’s A Guide to Consulting Female Athletes.

How to Become a Women Empowerment Consultant [2022 Edition] Women Empowerment Consultant
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Podcasts to listen to as a consultant for women empowerment

There are numerous YouTube videos and podcasts available online about women empowerment consulting.

A collection of popular podcasts for women empowerment consultants may be found here and here. This page links to a popular podcast series about women empowerment consulting. A generic podcast about female consultants is available here.

There are various videos on TED talks about women’s empowerment. Some are available here and here. Additionally, you may wish to view these TedX videos here and here.

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