Self-Esteem Consulting: How to Become a Self-Esteem Consultant and Get High-End Clients

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Self-esteem coaching is a pillar of the life coaching profession. That is to say, all types of life consultants must understand fundamental principles of self-esteem counseling to do their duties effectively.

If you’ve done even a little research or considered it, you’re aware that to assist your client in moving toward their goals, you must first help them develop confidence in their abilities to improve their lives. As critical as confidence and self-esteem are to a person’s development, it’s unsurprising that self-esteem counseling has developed into a separate profession.

In today’s world, we are frequently taught that the only way to be a decent person is to be unselfish and devoted to the development of others. In the drive to be less vain and superficial, individuals lose sight of themselves. This is a critical flaw that has been ingrained in the lives of modern human beings.

I’ve seen that come up repeatedly. People believe that being unselfish, generous, and concerned about others precludes you from focusing on your own needs. This is the polar opposite of what is true.

Healthy confidence and self-esteem stem from an understanding of who you are and the positive impact you have on your own life and the lives of those around you. As a self-esteem consultant, you will need to focus on your client’s needs while demonstrating how a confident person behaves in everyday situations.

Self-Esteem Consulting: How to Become a Self-Esteem Consultant and Get High-End Clients Self-esteem consulting
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As I frequently tell my customers, be the model of your own consulting. Through your example and encouragement, your client will learn that helping others should not come at the expense of their well-being. Healthily assisting others can and should be a natural extension of self-improvement.

Now, I’d want to share a few fundamental points with you. If you wish to work as a self-esteem consultant, the following information is necessary:

Who is a Self-Esteem Consultant?

A self-esteem consultant can teach you how to be good to yourself and how to believe in yourself. While this may sound simple, it is not. If you’ve done your study, you’re aware that a large part of becoming a self-esteem consultant is assisting clients in identifying the negative voices in their heads and defeating their influence by keeping account of their daily “positive actions.”

Self-Esteem Consulting: How to Become a Self-Esteem Consultant and Get High-End Clients Self-esteem consulting
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These “good actions” are the activities your client does throughout the day to improve the lives of others or their community. We are taught from an early age that, as decent people, we must not only do good things but also do them without self-congratulation. That, I believe, is not the best course of action. When you do something positive, you should let that light shine through your life as well.

If you do anything good as part of your day, do not dismiss it as another task completed. There is a distinction between boastfulness and self-awareness. As a consultant, it is your responsibility to assist your customers in achieving that balance.

Additionally, you should be familiar with the many forms of negative inner monologues that people have. Contrary to popular belief, some individuals’ inner monologues are negative in a way that strengthens them. It provides constructive feedback. As a consultant, you should understand the difference between a crippling negative mental voice and a constructive inner monologue that aids clients in self-improvement. If you are unaware of the distinction, you risk denying your client access to a unique self-analysis tool.

I urge that you get to know your client before implementing any enhancement tactics. Discover what works for them. Recognize their flaws, shortcomings, and strengths. Avoid offering a one-size-fits-all answer to everyone, as this can be detrimental to the individual.

How to become a Self-esteem consultant?

You can earn a living as a self-esteem consultant by assisting others in improving their self-esteem. That may sound like an oversimplification, but I am not. It makes no difference how you become a consultant as long as you can deliver meaningful outcomes to your clients. What important is the service you provide? If you can demonstrate that your approaches result in real-world improvements, no one cares about your accreditation.

If you are still learning how to become a consultant, you can enroll in some training classes to gain a better understanding of the sector and develop connections. I’ll discuss these courses in further detail later.

Self-Esteem Consulting: How to Become a Self-Esteem Consultant and Get High-End Clients Self-esteem consulting
Image taken from

Connections are critical in the self-improvement industry. Network, mix and form meaningful relationships with your peers and others in your immediate vicinity. Make an effort to be unique and serve as an example of your brand. As a consultant for self-esteem, you should be confident without being arrogant.

When you meet new individuals, show them respect. People are more inclined to trust and connect with you as a consultant if they perceive you as someone who can contribute value to their lives.

Additionally, you can take an introductory course to prepare for a training course to help you comprehend human behavior patterns. This will tremendously assist you in understanding people’s negative behavior cycles and how you may assist them in breaking them. These courses are available online or in a training center near you.

The Truth About Becoming a Self-Esteem Consultant

As a self-esteem consultant, you’ll spend your days focusing on your clients and assisting them in comprehending the transformative power of their worth in the world. While helping your clients concentrate on their best selves, don’t forget to do the same thing for yourself.

As I previously stated, it would be best if you taught your consumers to extend their generosity to themselves. It would be best if you taught them to be kind and kind to themselves first and then transmit that same terrific energy outward. While you’re at it, keep this lesson in mind.

Consultants frequently become so consumed with improving their clients’ lives that they neglect to look for themselves first. I see it often, and it is one of the most self-defeating behaviors consultants can engage in. As the air hostesses advise, first put on your oxygen mask.

Out of everything optional, this one is least optional!
This wall is found in the center of Amsterdam!
Photo by Tim Goedhart on Unsplash

How long does it take to become a self-esteem consultant?

Ah, the age-old problem. However, as with the chicken and the egg problem, the solution is more complicated. The point is, you get to choose when you get the title of consultant. It depends on various factors, including how long it takes to obtain certification, develop the necessary skills, and earn money.

You may become a life consultant in the next five minutes by just declaring, “Sai, I’m a life consultant.”

I will believe you as well; that is not the issue. The issue is that simply calling oneself a consultant does not guarantee that you will be successful or earn any money.

Because this is an unregulated industry, all employees are self-identified. This is a two-pronged sword. On the one hand, you don’t have to waste money on courses you believe are unnecessary, nor do you have to attend college. On the other hand, you compete with others only based on how well you promote yourself and your connections to previous clients.

Thus, once obtaining accreditation, establishing your organization, and identifying revenue streams such as joint ventures are complete, you can consider yourself a consultant.

Establishing a business and securing funding is simple if you have a direction (which we provide at Sai. Consultant) and can be accomplished in a couple of weeks.

If you decide to become a certified consultant, you have a variety of possibilities. They range in price from $19 to $4,750. A course may last up to 21 weeks or as little as 7 hours. It all relies on the certificates you choose and their prestige.

Best self-esteem consultant training courses around the globe

As I previously stated, while a certification or training course is not required to call yourself a consultant, you can obtain certification or training to help legitimate your firm and differentiate yourself from other consultants.

Bear in mind that your clients come to you anticipating a specific product or service. If you are uncertain about your service quality, it is advisable to obtain a certification that will instill confidence in you and your organization. The fact is clients desire to believe in you. Indeed, they do. They want to think that there is someone who can guide them to their better selves, so all you have to do is be confident in your offering and provide value to their experience. That is it.

Some of the most excellent certification training courses in confidence and self-esteem consulting are the following.

  1. Udemy: Certified Confidence Consultant: Comprehensive Consulting System

    •  Retail price: $18.48
    •  Training Duration: 2 hours and 31 minutes; however, you may spread the course out as you see fit.
    •  Certificate of Completion
    •  No requirement to pass the exam

     Rhodes Wellness College: Part-Time Life Consultant Certificate

    •  Cost: $4,750
    •  Training Period: 21 weeks, six hours per week in class.
    •  Life Consultant Certificate
    •  Is it necessary to pass the exam?

     Dr. Joe Rubino: Consultation on Self-Confidence

    • Retail price: $49
    • Three-week training period
    • Certificate from The Centre for Personal Reinvention as a “Certified Self-Confidence Consultant.”
    •  Is it necessary to pass the exam?

     American Confidence Institute: Certification in Confidence Consulting

    •  Retail price: $299
    •  Training Duration: 6 hours spread across two days.
    •  Certificate of Completion
    •  Pass the exam: Yes, filing the consultation session journal is also required.


What type of people are hiring self-esteem consultants these days?

I would be doing our community a disservice if I assumed that folks in need of a short pep talk would be your typical clients. That is not the case. They would not require your services if all they required were a brief generic motivational speech.

You must understand that for most persons trapped in a negative feedback cycle, the sensations of being seen, heard, understood, and supported are alien. They may not even respond positively if you give them a pep talk. When you believe the world is ignoring you, a pep talk appears arrogant and untrue. Do not believe that just because someone lacks confidence, they cannot distinguish between genuine offers of assistance and dishonest feel-good lies.

An example of gender non-conformity. Bink, drag kid persona.
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Individuals are born with the ability to discern between genuine efforts. If you appreciate your client, you must be candid with them and assist them in the most beneficial manner possible. We should caution you that because your clientele will lack confidence, you will have to work extra hard when collecting feedback.

If your clients lack confidence, they may be reluctant to share candid feedback with you, fearful of being put on the spot or facing a conflict. Instead of providing you with honest feedback, they will not return. That is detrimental to your success since you will eventually find yourself without clients who return your calls. Avoid succumbing to a forced courteous rhythm. It benefits no one.

Encourage your clients to be responsive and receptive to constructive feedback. If you have a terrible reaction to feedback, you can be confident that your clients would instead leave than confront you.

What don’t most self-esteem consultants get about building a business?

As a consultant, you’ll begin as a self-employed individual. You will be compensated only when your clients return to you, which means you must place a high premium on client retention. While you’re doing so, it’s simple to lose track of a few essential details.

The majority of consumers begin their search for self-improvement services online. Avoid being left behind by developing a solid online presence. If you cannot obtain sufficient clients through your efforts, allow us to assist you. To learn more about what I mean by developing a solid online presence and how it may help you grow your business, watch my free webinar.

Most consultants neglect to establish their web business while assisting their clients out of a lack of time, but as a result, they lose a significant number of possible clients. You must establish an internet presence, and if you cannot do so on your own, engage someone to do so for you.

Once you’ve established that your internet presence is secure, hire an accountant or bookkeeper to manage your accounts on your behalf. You should earn money, but not constantly.

Returning to marketing and networking, I understand that it appears to be an excessive investment, but believe me when I say that the return on investment is enormous, especially in an uncontrolled business like the self-improvement industry. We’ve found that Joint Ventures, a program that pools consultants and markets for them jointly, can generate a multiplier effect on investment. Additionally, it puts you in an attractive position to network with your colleagues while sharing their spotlight.

Audience listening to a speaker
Photo by Product School on Unsplash

Unfortuitously, one of the disadvantages of consulting is non-payment. As consultants, I’m well aware that we become emotionally invested in our customers’ success, and it feels like a personal triumph when they do. It’s natural to seek payment from successful clientele. Clients who are not successful in their efforts to develop, for whatever reason, will not feel inclined to pay you. Have a contingency plan in place for those instances.

It is totally up to you how you wish to collect your payments. Specific consultants set a session-by-session payment schedule. Even if a client falls behind on payments, only one session will go unpaid.

Specific consultants collect payment on an intermittent basis based on training phases; this is riskier but provides greater flexibility and allows for the development of trust. I would not recommend this plan unless you are established in your field and have a consistent customer.

I appreciate your reluctance to add cause stress to an already vulnerable client, but unless you collect your fair wages, you will be forced to close your doors, and all your clients who have grown to rely on you will now suffer needlessly. It is preferable for everyone concerned if you collect your fees in a fair and unemotional manner.

The right reasons for becoming a self-esteem consultant.

While earning money is a legitimate motive for undertaking any profession, it is critical to recognize that the consulting sector is a service industry. You must be able to prioritize the requirements of our clients before your own, and you must put the client first.

If your clients do not feel that you are genuinely there to assist them, they will resist your offers of assistance. Unless people perceive our attitude to their growth to be sincere and authentic, they will refrain from recommending you to other prospective clients.

Before entering their industry, ensure that you are willing, to be honest, and authentic with your clientele and address their demands with the deference they deserve.

Consulting is not a simple way to earn money. Consultants assist individuals in overcoming life obstacles that are impeding their progress and becoming a much better version of themselves. If you can envision yourself investing that much time in your clients’ personal development, this is the perfect industry.

World’s top 3 self-esteem consultants you must follow.

  1.  Jo Emerson: Jo works with her customers to instill a sense of permanent confidence that is difficult to develop independently. Here, you can purchase her book, Flying For Beginners: A Proven System for Lasting Self-Confidence. As a former BBC journalist, she possesses many certificates that qualify her as a confidence consultant.
  2.  Jody Michael Associates: Jody Michael Associates promises quantifiable results and access to a full-service team. Their free ebook is available here.
  3.  Lynda Field: Lynda Field appears hesitant when she says she can assist you despite her 25 years of experience. Her experience substantiates her claims, and she follows through. You can purchase her book, The Self-Esteem Consultant: 10 Days to a Confident New You. Salary for self-esteem consultants on average.

 Average self-esteem consultant salary.

According to, the average compensation for a life consultant is $46,678. Naturally, the more experience you possess, the more money you will earn. You can charge between $50 and $150 per hour and expand. Additional pay trends are available here.

This employment is entirely dependent on your attitude and the nature of your clients. Michael Serwa earns £500,000 every year due to his prestigious clientele and his demeanor.

Photo by Viacheslav Bublyk on Unsplash

What educational requirements must I meet to become a certified self-esteem consultant?

As I previously stated, this is an uncontrolled business in which most people lack qualifications. However, self-education is always beneficial and might provide credibility in the eyes of the suspicious. I recommend doing any of the courses indicated previously in the post, and a refresher course in human psychology never hurts.


3 thoughts on “Self-Esteem Consulting: How to Become a Self-Esteem Consultant and Get High-End Clients”

    • Glad you think so Trisha. I hope you get the chance to join the webinar to get more clarity on certain things


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