The Beginner’s Guide To Becoming A Public Speaking Consultant

You enjoy public speaking and are driven by a desire to serve others. Do you secretly yearn to work as a professional public speaking consultant?

Is this the best option? What happens if you fail? Is this a sufficient sum of money?

For some, public speaking has been the scariest experience since the first time they did their book report in front of the entire class in elementary school. And for many, while it is not frightening, it nevertheless causes them anxiety and nervousness.

I’m sure you or someone you know has a friend, colleague, or cousin who still avoids the limelight whenever possible. Doesn’t that make you consider how many people in your immediate vicinity could benefit from assistance in developing their public speaking confidence?

I’m guessing quite a bit. Are you not in agreement?

And if there are so many, I feel it creates an excellent chance for you as a Public Speaking Consultant. Not only to assist others in expressing themselves confidently and effectively but also to develop a profitable business for yourself.

Today, an increasing number of people are tired of being invisible. Whether it’s to progress their jobs or boost their self-confidence, they’re turning to Public Speaking Consultants for assistance.

To better understand the potential demand for Public Speaking Consultants, allow me to refer to a 2014 poll performed by Chapman University. The study discovered that the most common phobia among respondents was fear of public speaking, with 25.3 percent stating that they feared speaking in front of a crowd.

25.3 percent is a substantial amount, don’t you believe?

This is not detrimental to an individual’s social interactions. Indeed, it is detrimental to their job. Communication and presentation abilities have traditionally been among the most important characteristics a company looks for when hiring an employee. And its significance grows exponentially as one ascends the corporate ladder.

However, is it possible to teach someone to talk more effectively and confidently? Yes, and as a Public Speaking Consultant, you may be the one to make the difference.

I’m sure you have numerous inquiries.

“How do I go about becoming one?”

“How do I begin?”

“How am I to know if I possess the potential to become one?”

And I’m here to answer as many of your questions as possible to assist you in getting started on the path to being a Public Speaking Consultant. Therefore, continue reading!

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Who is a Public Speaking Consultant?

Confidence is critical for a CEO who must address crowds of thousands of people or a business executive presenting a presentation to his four-person staff. And as a Public Speaking Consultant, you must assist your clients in successfully and succinctly expressing their opinions.

I was not kidding when I mentioned your clients might range from CEOs to business executives. Some of the world’s largest corporations are turning to public speaking consultants to improve the effectiveness of their staff and their top executives.

Even the most gifted and self-assured individuals have very visible shortcomings. However, this is not clear to them. And these unconscious habits are impeding their ability to be the finest public speakers possible.

As a result, your work as a public speaker is a three-step process:

Step 1: Identify the flaw

Step 2: Identify the source of the flaw

Step 3: Correct the flaw

When I use the term “flaws,” I refer to everything that prevents an individual from expressing confidently and successfully in front of an audience. That could be as simple as the movement of one’s hands or as complex as serious stage fright.

And, of course, it is not as easy as I have simplified it; but you get the concept. To truly be a successful Public Speaking Consultant, you must understand people and their subconscious patterns to get to the root of the issue and assist your customers in overcoming it.

This is no easy task!

However, once you make a reputation for yourself, it is a highly lucrative career. If I have piqued your curiosity, I can teach you how to become a successful Public Speaking Consultant.

Who hires a public speaking consultant?

Where do I begin?

Anyone and everyone can benefit from the talents of a Public Speaking Consultant, from the new intern looking to make an impression to the Director of the Board looking to impress his investors.

This implies that your clients will come from various backgrounds, all motivated by the same desire to express themselves more fully. While this may give the impression that the job is monotonous, this is not the case.

Each of your customers is unique, and as such, they have unique experiences and perspectives on life. This makes each customer a unique and exciting case for you to tackle as you seek a unique solution to a unique problem.

Whether it’s a limiting childhood event or a natural inability to express oneself, each client will be someone who struggles with being in the spotlight. However, they recognize that there will come a time when they must accept the same spotlight to succeed in whatever they are doing.

However, their self-awareness is limited to the situation rather than extending to the root cause. Often, their issues are utterly subconscious. This intimidates and subdues them, keeping them perpetually in the shadows.

However, you do possess the ability to make a difference in their lives, don’t you?

Because if you do, you are the type of Public Speaking Consultant they require, and they will rely on you to assist them in resolving their issues once they become your clients. That is the only way they will gain the confidence to step into the limelight and be their best selves.

What steps do you need to take to become a Public Speaking Consultant?

Thus, you believe you possess the necessary abilities and expertise to assist others in improving their ability to hold an audience. You’ve considered it carefully and perhaps even assisted a coworker, friend, or family member in overcoming their fear of public speaking.

However, where do you begin if you choose to pursue a professional Public Speaking Consultant career? I’m pleased you inquired since that is precisely what I am here to do.

Continue reading, and I’ll outline the specific steps you may follow to become a Public Speaking Consultant while also running a profitable business.

  1.  Identify your niche

Before taking the initial step toward being a Public Speaking Consultant, it is critical to pause and consider what you will offer as one. Assess your skillset and determine the area of public speaking in which you can most effectively apply them to attract the proper kind of clients and maximize the profitability of your business.

There are numerous areas in Public Speaking Training that you can investigate on your own, but I’d like to start with two that I believe are the most fundamental yet critical.

  •  Content Strategist

Knowledge does not always equate to excellent content. Even the brightest minds can struggle to communicate a potentially revolutionary concept perfectly. As a Content Consultant, you must assist individuals in structuring and polishing their content to communicate their views successfully.

This form of consulting necessitates a working knowledge of all modes of communication, not just public speaking. How you compose an email is quite different from composing a presentation, and putting together a speech is even more involved.

By comprehending the media and the demographics of the audience to whom your client is communicating, you may assist them in being more effective in their communication.

  • Consultant in Delivery

Even the best-written ideas might fall apart if they are not delivered with the appropriate intonation and tone. Gestures, vocal variety, and posture all contribute to how others perceive you when you speak, and as a Delivery Consultant, you coach your customers to hone these skills.

The ideal Delivery Consultant will possess various abilities, including acting, expressions, and even vocal coaching. Because sometimes, all your client needs to do is improve their voice modulation, and they will automatically improve as public speakers.

Through your knowledge of body language, you may assist your clients in becoming more assertive, maintaining eye contact, and enunciating more clearly. Or any other changes they may require in their demeanor to communicate effectively and effectively.

2. Earn a certificate

While accreditation as a Public Speaking Consultant is not required, it is extremely beneficial in various ways. The first and most important of which is acquiring the trust and respect of your prospective employer.

Many clients, particularly corporate clients, will judge you solely based on your certification before you ever have the opportunity to speak with them. As a result, obtaining a certification is an excellent way to build your competence.

Numerous courses are available for those interested in pursuing a career as a Public Speaking Consultant. Most will cover public speaking, business communication, leadership, and persuasion.

However, like with any school, you should conduct extensive research based on your budget, available time, and the specialty you wish to enter. Once you’ve determined which course is the greatest fit for you, it’s time to dive in headfirst and learn everything you can about becoming the Public Speaking Consultant you desire.

However, regardless of which path you take, there is one critical point to remember. Enroll in a course that allows you to put what you’re learning into practice. You don’t want to study many theoretical subjects, launch your business, and discover that you have no idea how to use what you’ve learned in a real-world setting.

And there is nothing better than finding a qualified mentor to advise you.

3. Acquire experience

The most effective Public Speaking Consultants get experience before launching their firm full-time. Consult your friends, family, and colleagues. They will not only be appreciative, but you will also have your first set of satisfied clients before you even open.

This is an excellent place for beginning Public Speaking Consultants to start. Their success stories may be leveraged to sell yourself and your services because it will demonstrate to any prospective customer that you are knowledgeable and capable of assisting them in becoming great public speakers.

4. Promote yourself

This should go without saying, but a great Public Speaking Consultant must be excellent at public speaking. This implies that whenever possible, speak with others about your ideas, offerings, and even your client success stories.

While name-dropping is impolite in any other context, it is the most effective technique to establish yourself as an authority in this one. If you wind up consulting for an organization or even someone well-known in specific social circles, mention it while discussing your Public Speaking Consulting firm.

Additionally, a well-designed website is always beneficial. While you may initially lack cash, I propose that your first goal should be to create a website for your firm as soon as you can afford it.

This will be the initial point of contact for prospective clients, and it will be where you can discuss your ideas as a Public Speaking Consultant to attract clients looking for someone like you.

Five characteristics that corporate clients seek

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while seeking the services of a public speaking consultant

As corporate communication becomes an increasingly critical component of success, businesses worldwide engage Public Speaking Consultants to train their personnel.

As a Public Speaking Consultant, your finest and most lucrative clients will be corporations seeking to improve their staff’s effectiveness and precision. Understanding what corporations are seeking can help you expand and earn from your firm.

Fortunately for you, I know a little about what they look for. Therefore, continue reading to see how you might alter your approach to your consulting firm to get these large clients.

• Demonstrate your sense of style

Corporate clients have a plethora of possibilities for Public Speaking Consultants. Indeed, the communications team is frequently already aware of what they require and is simply looking for the proper fit to assist them in achieving it.

A website is an ideal way to advertise yourself to them since it makes you appear professional while also providing an overview of what you can offer their organization.

• Establish a procedure

Corporate clients prefer nothing more than to work with someone who is thorough and has an established methodology for delivering their services. Therefore, consider how you can simplify what you offer and ensure you have an action plan that can be tailored based on their specific needs.

• Possess knowledge

Each industry is unique. Just as you would not employ a batting consultant to teach your kicker how to kick, every business seeks a Public Speaking Consultant familiar with their profession and the inherent challenges that come with it.

If you’re meeting with an organization’s communications staff, do your homework. Not only into what they do but also into what the sector is all about and what is expected of corporate employees.

• Organize your references

Your previous clientele is your best advertisement. No matter how much marketing you do, no one will advertise you better than someone you’ve assisted in becoming a better public speaker.

Ascertain that you have references from everyone with whom you have worked so that you have someone who can express how you assisted them in improving. This will help you establish your reputation and knowledge and help you stand out from the competition.

• Be a good fit

If a corporation chooses you, you must be a Public Speaking Consultant who is respected and enjoys dealing with their staff. This means that regardless of the organization you enter, you must find a way to get along with your employees.

This is where your research comes in handy, as you will be able to put yourself in their shoes and genuinely comprehend the challenges they face. This enables you to empathize with them and know how to assist them in meeting the consulting exercise’s higher-ups’ expectations.

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Image taken from

Five straightforward suggestions to share during your first session as a public speaking coach

As a Public Speaking Consultant, your initial consultation is about getting to know your client as it is about them getting a sense of how you work. This is similar to an audition. Your initial impression may mean the difference between obtaining a customer who believes in you and a client who will never return.

Here are five simple things you may give with new clients to immediately put them at ease.

• Be authentically you

The most effective public speakers do not rely on gimmicks. They are those who allow their individuality and real selves to shine through while in the limelight.

And this, I believe, is where most Public Speaking Consultants fall short. Rather than attempting to alter your client’s personality, it is more productive to refine what they already possess to make them great speakers.

• No one is mocking you.

When people are placed in the spotlight, their greatest concern is that they will be mocked. While it is true that your client may face judgment, even harsh judgment, no one wishes to see them fail.

Indeed, as a member of the audience, I can attest that there is nothing more terrible than witnessing a speaker falter on stage. If someone has come to hear you talk, they expect you to deliver an excellent performance.

• Let go of the past

Your client must approach each public speaking occasion as a new beginning. The current audience has no notion if their last appearance on stage was a disaster or a smashing triumph.

However, this is easier said than done. Memories, particularly past errors, have a bad habit of resurfacing at the most inopportune times. Thus, it is critical to convince your client to view each opportunity as a chance to succeed and give their all regardless of what has transpired in the past.

By concentrating on these three areas from the start, you will identify yourself as a Public Speaking Consultant dedicated to eliciting the finest performance. And not to shape them into someone they believe will improve their public speaking abilities.

This is the true difference between a client base that will continue with you and one that is flooded with new clients that leave after a few sessions.

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