How To Become An Online Life Consultant: The Definitive Guide

Today’s consultants have no concept of how fortunate they are. It is a natural human tendency to focus on the unpleasant aspects of life, and more often than not, we overlook the small things for which we should be eternally grateful.

You would have battled to get your name out there just over a decade ago. It was difficult for consultants to gain recognition unless one was a Tony Ribbons or a Les Brown. All of this has altered since the internet’s inception.

This post will look at how the internet has revolutionized consulting and what it takes to become an online life consultant.

What is an online life consultant?

How To Become An Online Life Consultant: The Definitive Guide online life consultant
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The primary method of the internet has altered the world is by uniting everyone on a single platform. People are more connected than ever before, which creates an incredible opportunity for consultants like us, particularly life consultants.

As a life consultant, you are well aware that everything is contingent upon the relationship you share with your customers. Being online allows you to communicate with your clients in various ways daily.

Thus, to respond to the query. A life consultant who encourages their customers online is referred to as an online life consultant. The platform may take the form of blogs, social media, YouTube videos, or emails.

Should you become an online life consultant?

How To Become An Online Life Consultant: The Definitive Guide online life consultant
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The answer to this question is quite simple. Things continue to evolve as time passes. What was once relevant may be irrelevant now.

Consider what has become of MySpace. It refused to evolve and progress and, as a result, was eventually devoured by its competition.

Unfortunately, this is the world’s harsh reality. If you do not change and adapt to the changing times, you will be left behind.

Allow me to illustrate this principle in terms of the consultancy company. Years ago, everyone extolled the virtues of one-on-one consulting as the greatest thing since sliced bread.

If you continue to use one-on-one consulting, you use an old-fashioned method from a bygone period.

“What… How are you able to say that, Sai?”

To be sure, I go into greater detail about this in my free webinar. You may read the details and learn how to register at the bottom of this post.

Similarly, the entire concept of consulting has evolved, and we are now at a point where most, if not all, consultant-client interactions occur online.

Therefore, whether you are a life counselor or aspire to be one, it goes without saying that you will require an internet platform. That is how things are nowadays.

What does an online life consultant do?

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An online life consultant will go to great lengths to connect with their clients via an online platform. Thus, what methods do they have at their disposal? The following are some examples:

  • Blogging
  • Social Media.
  • Emails


You can publish blogs about a variety of issues that concern your clients. However, you cannot simply write about anything; some study must be conducted first.

This type of research is referred to as “keyword research,” and it operates as follows:

  • Make a list of potential challenges that your clients may encounter. Assuming you are a dating consultant, make a list of your clients’ difficulties in that area.
  • Once you’ve compiled your list, navigate to
  • In the nations targeted, include your preferred countries; it is recommended to include English-speaking first world countries (e.g., the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada) because most of your clients will be from those locations.
  • Input your thoughts one at a time and observe the consequences. We are searching for keywords with a “HIGH” level of competitiveness and planning results ranging from 1k to 10k. That is the optimal position. This indicates that our keyword is highly valuable and that users are actively searching for it on Google. (You may wish to organize the list by competition level to make your life easier!)
  • Once you have that, separate it into a different spreadsheet or document. This will be your MAIN KEYWORD, which means that your post will focus on it, while the title will focus on anything related. Thus, it will be something along the lines of “How can I meet ladies online?”
  • The articles will contain multiple sub-headings, which may be easily researched using this straightforward task. Go to Google and type in your primary term. Scroll down and have a look at the “similar searches” options.
  • Then, using related searches, you may construct sub-headings such as “What are the top five free dating sites?” “How to meet a girl on Facebook?” “How do I meet females around me?” and “How to get an online dating girl to give you her phone number” This works because people looking for your primary keyword are ALSO looking for these phrases.

Therefore, why do we do this? Why don’t we write something random?

The solution is straightforward. If you want to write about something, you should write about issues that people in your area are genuinely interested in, not topics you believe they are interested in.

How To Become An Online Life Consultant: The Definitive Guide online life consultant
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When Google notices that you’re writing about a subject that many of its users are interested in, it will elevate you to page one. Once you reach page one of Google, you will naturally attract more visitors to your blog.

You’ll naturally build a following that feels deeply connected to you by addressing and resolving the primary concerns people in your niche have.

Social Media

Social media is enormous. Without a doubt, at least 95% of your clients will be using social media.

If you lack a social media presence, you are doing yourself a disservice; you are also depriving potential clients of all the life-changing experiences they may have with you.

Do not do so; instead, build a social media profile and share items and ideas that inspire you. In comparison to other platforms, social media allows you to exhibit more of yourself.

Allow your audience to see you and learn about what inspires you. They will respect and love you as a result.


Emails are effective. This is the message you are giving to your clients DIRECTLY. You are not distributing it to everyone hoping that someone will read it; rather, you are distributing it specifically to those who wish to read more from you.

Not only is email an excellent way to communicate frequent morsels of knowledge, but they are also an excellent way to encourage people to sign up for your programs and webinars.

The most effective method to utilize and automate all of these platforms is establishing a fully operating consulting business. I’ll demonstrate how to do so in my free webinar, which you can view below.

Will working as an online life consultant provide me with independence?

How To Become An Online Life Consultant: The Definitive Guide online life consultant
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The nicest benefit about operating an internet consulting firm is that you can counsel from anywhere. To put it mildly, I have taken consultation sessions from Bali, Bangkok, and Kashmir.

I adore traveling and being able to do so without jeopardizing my work is a dream come true. My consulting services have enabled me to live the life of my desires!

The best part is that it is not nearly as difficult as it appears! You need to include specific consulting business blueprints and templates in your enterprise.

No, I am not exaggerating; it is truly that straightforward. Please scroll down and watch my free webinar (slide down) to learn more about this.

Where do I get my online life consultant accreditation?

How To Become An Online Life Consultant: The Definitive Guide online life consultant
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Accreditation or certification is not required to begin working as a life consultant. Education is not as vital as experience when becoming a consultant. No life consultant training program on the planet will instill in you the wisdom that a consultant needs. It is simply what you are born with.

If you insist on attending a course, I cannot stop you; nevertheless, keep in mind that Tony Robbins, possibly the best consultant, never took a certification course.

He was aware that he possessed grandeur and went with it.

What you do require assistance with, though, is understanding how the consulting company operates. And a certification program can undoubtedly assist you in this endeavor.

However, it will not provide you with access to templates that have been proven to work repeatedly. They will expect you to begin at the beginning, which, to be honest, is a MASSIVE waste of time.

If, on the other hand, you’re interested in obtaining the consulting business templates that will transform your consulting practice into a client-generating machine, continue reading down and register for my free webinar.

How much does an online life consultant earn?

A life consultant earns an annual income of approximately $47,000, which increases with time. Payscale conducted a study on the subject, which you can access here:

How To Become An Online Life Consultant: The Definitive Guide online life consultant
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an online life consultant?

Online life coaches are a viable option for in-person coaching. Online life coaches offer advice, support, and inspiration to individuals who cannot pay or do not have access to in-person coaching. Online life consultants are a subset of life consultants who provide advice, support, and inspiration to individuals via the internet.

Additionally, this sort of consulting is referred to as e-consulting or digital consulting. To achieve the client’s desired results, this counseling style emphasizes their personal growth in their own time and environment.

What does an online life consultant do?

Online life consultants have virtual meetings with their customers and can work remotely. They offer mental and emotional support to their clients and assist them in finding their way in life. They do not provide their clientele with actual answers or practical things. They provide assistance, information, and inspiration to the customer to resolve their issues.

How to become an online life consultant?

A competent online life consultant is someone capable of offering assistance and counseling to individuals who are experiencing a difficult period in their lives. They should be able to offer realistic and valuable counsel and suggestions on how to improve their current position.
It’s never been easier to become an online life coach. However, it does necessitate the following three steps:

i) Conduct niche research and determine whether you want to be a broad or specialized consultant.
ii) Establish your expertise in your field
iii) Establish your consulting business.

How much does the average life consultant charge per hour?

A life consultant’s average hourly rate is $70. Life consulting can be costly, as you are paying for one-on-one time with a competent professional. While excellent life advisors are well worth their fees, not all are made equal.