How To Become A Success Consultant: Your Ultimate “How-To” Guide

This will provide a comprehensive guide to how to succeed in consulting. To be

More specifically, it is going to provide you with the steps to become a successful consultant.

In the past, I’ve taught around 35-40 successful consultants and helped them create their businesses. Actually, you can call me a successful advisor or consultant.

I’ve personally worked with the man who founded Rock House Global, Christopher Howard, who has appeared on stage with artists like Jay Abraham and the legendary Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu master Rorion Gracie from the famed Gracie Family.

He’s the epitome of”a “celebrity consultant” and has earned more than $100 million from consulting.

In reality, why do you not hear from him?

Was it to display?


The goal was to relax you and to let you step into the mindset of someone who came looking to find out about what I can offer.

I’ve had the privilege of working with and training the top of the best for successful consultants. This is where I’m going to write down everything that I’ve learned about the successful and bulletproof consultant model.

In the end, the fact that you’re here to learn, aren’t you?

Of course, you are…otherwise, who is reading an article that is titled “How To Become A Successful Success Consultant”? Who is that person?

People who are interested in learning about becoming a successful consultant…that’s the kind of person.

So, let’s get started.

What exactly is a successful consultant?

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A couple of days ago, at dinner, my wife’s best friend wanted to know:

“So Sai, I get that you are a consultant, but what is it that you do?”

Then I told her that I’m essentially the trampoline.

I can make consultants leap more than they when they had tried it on their own.

Ok..that could be a bizarre metaphor, but it works.

As a successful consultant, you’ll be the client’s hack. You’ll improve their process and help them reach their goals more quickly.

You will push them to the levels they believe to be unable to achieve.

You’ll assist them as they step through the unknown to realize their goals.

Why people hire a success consultant?

How To Become A Success Consultant: Your Ultimate “How-To” Guide success consultant
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In very simple terms, a successful consultant offers their clients an agenda of their tasks as well as a strategic outline that helps them reach their goals more quickly.

Then why do people want to choose to employ a successful coach?

Or, more specifically… what time will people engage a consultant?

From my experience, I have observed 4 instances where someone is looking for advice from a consultant to help them succeed.

  • If they are beginning something new and require guidance.
  • After being in a place for a long period of time.
  • They’ve got an idea, but aren’t sure what to do with it.
  • Do not have any procedures in place.

Every requirement will fall roughly into the categories listed below.

Let’s get started investigating these:

When they’re starting something new and require guidance

Many times, we feel overwhelmed when we are about to start something fresh.

We’re completely lost in all that is happening before us, and it’s all we can do is look. That’s fine.

It’s normal to feel completely overwhelmed by something completely new. most of the time, the most effective method to approach it is to provide instructions in such situations.

This is where successful consultants can succeed.

If you provide the guidance or guidance needed, you can lead your clients to the promised land.

After being trapped for a long period of time

Imagine this.

You’ve found something you want to accomplish for the remainder of your life.

You think, “This will be my life! This is what I’m planning to be doing for the duration of my days!”

Then… that feeling comes over you.

The feeling that says that regardless of what happens, you’re never going to be able to overcome this, and you’ll never have the chance to follow through on your goals.

The slow creeping feeling that tells you something wrong with you gets to you.

The thing you thought was going to do to free you suddenly takes you by surprise.

You’re stuck in an unending cycle.

The most unfortunate part is that the majority of people give up sooner or later when they’re stuck, and you shouldn’t blame them…there can only be so many heartbreaks one can endure.

This is exactly the reason you, as a successful consultant, can be a blessing to any person who’s stuck.

There are two main reasons one might get stuck:

  1. They’ve lost motivation.
  2. What they’re doing isn’t working anymore.

You can assist them at both places.

You can inspire them to bring back the fire inside their stomachs.


You could give them a list of strategies to force them to reconsider their entire approach.

They are thinking of it, but aren’t sure how to implement it

We’ve all experienced those moments.

The moment when you realize that you’ve stuck gold.

You begin having thoughts of you being in the top position because of this thought that pops up in your mind.

But then…something occurs.

You’re shocked to realize that you don’t have a clue where to begin.

This is something that bothered Tolu Fagbola.

He worked as a career advisor at a university within the UK, but he wanted to explore and explore things independently.

He was aware of what we wanted to achieve and had a precise crystal picture in his mind.

For whatever reason… the man wasn’t sure where to begin, which was making it difficult for him.

Then, he enrolled in my program. Within 3 months, he quit his job and began his own consulting company known as: “Career Transitioners”.

Listen to him:

This is a great example of the value of a consultant who can help individuals like these.

It is the way you could offer to anyone in the same position as Tolu was. You can give shape and shape to your visions and guide their boat toward an undiscovered land.

Do not have any systems in place

Imagine this.

You’ve got an idea of what you’re looking to accomplish. You have a precise idea in your mind.

You’ve got the things you want, but there’s an issue.

Your system of work is extremely inefficient. It would not be too far to say that your workplace is ineffective.

What you would expect to take one week can take you a month. This results in losing clients’ money, clients, and, most importantly, time.

So, how do you tackle this issue?

What are you doing to ensure that you’re achieving your goals and objectives efficiently?

Does that sound like a bell? The chances are that you’ve had clients that fit this description.

What are you able to do as a success coach Do here?

Then, you can demonstrate to them the best path they could follow to reach their objectives. You can take a look at their process and highlight where they’re lacking, and suggest else they could do to get rid of it.

Actually, this is an important component of what you’re going to learn from my webcast (Scroll through to the bottom section of this article)

The goal is to provide our participants with different systems that can help them build their consulting business for them in webinars.

The Difference Between Life Consulting and Success Consulting

Hmm, So what are the major differences between life and consulting…or do they have any distinctions that are not significant?

Their expertise sets tend to be quite similar somewhat. In fact, it’s hard to be wrong to believe that they’re the same.

There’s an article written by Jeffrey Sooey which helps define the distinctions or, better yet, the DIFFERENCE very well. (You can find it in the resources page further down).

The major distinction is that as a consultant in the field of life, it is your responsibility to help your client understand their final objective and desired outcome and then encourage them to work towards it.

As a successful consultant, your client should have an understanding of the things they would like to achieve.

If you’re an academic success consultant, it is your responsibility to ensure that your students get above an amount that is it is your aim.

If you’re a successful consultant, having clients sign up 3-5 new clients prior to the end of the two month period is the aim.

In addition, the bond that a life-long friendship creates is more emotional, while the relationship between a consultant and client is more of an adolescent-mentee type relationship.

Essential Skills You require to be a successful Success Consultant

Before I write down the skills, keep in mind that they are likely to be generic and have obvious motives.

Whatever you are skilled at it will become a master at it.

The area you’ll be specializing in is likely to be more about it than I do.

But. It’s surprising how many consultants lack the required skills, and, even when they have they often overlook the basics and, as a result they shoot them in the back.

Here’s the deal:

a) Listening: Yes, LISTENING. It’s an essential ability, and it’s sad that so many people do not use this.

People are so focused on discussing themselves and being concerned about their own needs that they don’t listen to anyone else.

And believe me…I was a dating consultant prior to this, and I understand the importance of “listening” can be built as well as sustain and strengthen any relationship.

You cannot just listen.

It is essential to take into what the person is saying and be truly curious about what they are saying.

A majority of your customers need to have their voices heard. They would like to feel at ease opening up to someone.

Allow them to be the same around you.

The most effective way to do that is by repeating what they’re saying back to them. For example, paraphrasing what they spoke of or seeking clarifications.

People are awestruck when you talk to them about their lives.

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B) Questions It is important to master how to ask open-ended, open-ended questions that will stimulate your clients to think and think more about themselves.

In general, there are two kinds of questions you need to be able to ask

1. Questions that help build trust.

2. Questions that penetrate their defences.

The ability to build rapport is vital and can be the difference between success or failure in your conversations.

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Rapport is basically about discovering commonalities in things to talk about and then building on it. The more commonalities that you discover, the more your target audience will be attentive to the things you say and how they are able to relate to you.

It is crucial to get your customers to open up to you.

We now turn to the more nitty-gritty questions.

It is important to keep in mind that these are the people who pay you hard-earned cash because they want you to expose their egos and expose their weaknesses and self-imposed limitations.

I guarantee you that you aren’t doing anyone any favors when you are nice. It is not possible to be nice.

You must explain that things are the way they are.

C) There is no BS Feedback: This is sort of an extension of the last point.

If you’re planning to provide them with feedback, do not hesitate.

Gaining a deep understanding the problems that customers face is how you build products that provide value and grow. It all starts with a conversation. You have to let go of your assumptions so you can listen with an open mind and understand what’s actually important to them. That way you can build something that makes their life better. Something they actually want to buy.
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If they’ve adhered to your guidelines and are achieving positive results, and are achieving results, then don’t hesitate to praise them. You can reward them with praises and compliments. It will boost their self-esteem.

Conversely, if they’ve not achieved their goals and didn’t follow the instructions, don’t be hesitant.

I’m not saying you must completely destroy and eliminate them, but it is important to understand what you can and cannot do. Anything less than percent will not be entertained.

Your time is precious, and you shouldn’t give it to those who are willing to spend your time.

You have to ensure that your clients are held accountable.

d) Giving a Different Perspective: As a success consultant it is your job to give your clients a different perspective than what they are seeing.

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The majority of people develop blindness when they are pursuing an objective. They aren’t aware of alternative paths that could exist in order to achieve their goal.

It is your duty to test yourself as well as your client to determine alternative routes to accomplish their objectives.

e) Do not judge: Keep your judgement to yourself.

Whatever you do…do not judge your clients for the conduct of their previous.

It might appear to be the easiest thing to do. However, it’s extremely difficult to implement.

As a consultant in the field of dating, I would sometimes be a bit grumpy with what my clients would inform me.

A client destroyed his marriage because his sex addiction was rampant, and he spent his entire money on the escorts.

A third client received an order to restrain her lover because she was known to follow him constantly.

I can assure you that it was difficult not to decide and I’ll admit that in these two instances I made a mistake. I regret it quite a bit.

It’s true that even if you don’t specifically state it, they will always be able to tell the fact that you are acting on your attitude.

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Be a part of a world that is a place of unconditional acceptance.

“I don’t care who you are, where are you are from, what you did…as long as you love me.”

Some wise words from The Backstreet Boys.

Did I quote the backstreet boys?

You’re judging me at the moment, aren’t you?

See? It’s time to do some work on that.

f) Trusting Your Gut: It is likely that there are plenty of times you’ll get stuck on the client.

The thing that’s supposed to function just doesn’t.

Sometimes, you adhere to what is called the “Consultant’s Rulebook” and then suddenly, you discover something that’s not in the syllabus.

What can you do in situations like this?

Well…when something occurs, you put the book in the trash and go by your gut.

Pay attention to your gut.

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What is the nature of intuition?

It’s the feeling that your mind and body develop after years of indulgence with a specific craft.

Don’t underestimate your body or mind in improvising and finding solutions under extreme stress.

Be confident in your gut, and be sure to trust yourself.

If things get tough and you’re faced with a problem, consider backing yourself.

Most of the time, the solution will come to you.

g) About Them Not You: If you’re with a customer, you must always remain focused on them 100 percent.

Do not go on about you as well as your experience.

I’m sure your life is better than theirs; however it isn’t what they’re offering you the money they are paying for.

Reduce the bluster to a minimal.

Be aware that self-confidence and bragging aren’t the same things.

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As I’ve told you, focus on your children and talk to them about them.

What Type of Success Consultant Can You Be?

Let’s focus on the kind of consultant you can become.

By “Type” I mean your area of expertise.

What is the typical client appear like?

What is their gender and what’s their age?

The International Consulting Federation did a survey and below are their findings.


How To Become A Success Consultant: Your Ultimate “How-To” Guide success consultant

Let’s look at the graph to see the ratios of males and females in the majority when it comes to specific kinds that consult.

You can clearly see that aside from “business” the majority of the clients are typically women.

What does your successful consulting be classified under?

Are you focusing on personal development? Women will then make up the majority of your viewers.

Are you referring to work? Females will also constitute your main viewers.

Do you think it’s business? If so, then you’ll find more males.

On average, we can see that a consultant-client is more likely to be female.

Okay, let’s look at what age group is available.

How old would your average client be?

This survey analyzes the typical age of clients in 2011 in comparison to the year 2015.

Let’s look at what we can come up with:

How To Become A Success Consultant: Your Ultimate “How-To” Guide success consultant

Ahh, what are we doing in this case?

As you can observe… the majority of the clients fall into the 35-44 range of age.


So, the most popular consultant clients are women aged between 35 and 44 based on data.

Be aware that this is not an exact and unchanging principle since you’ll know what kind of client will work most effectively for your needs.

In my role as the dating expert, my most frequent clients were males in their 20’s, or recently divorced males aged 40 and over.

However, this graph provides an idea of where the majority of women are getting.

It’s time to start the process of defining an area of expertise.

I made a detail-oriented YouTube video a few years ago.

Note: Take a look at all of the charts and studies by were conducted by the International Consulting Federation took.

Success Consultant Salary: How Much Money Can You Make?

What salary could you make as a consultant for consultant to success?

Consulting businesses generate an annual income of $2 BILLION DOLLARS!

The world of consulting is hot…there is no doubt about that, and the most exciting part?

It’s only the beginning. Wait and see how the business continues to grow.

What does that translate to you?

Are you able to keep up with the growing demand? Are you able to earn a consultant salary that keeps pace with the rate of expansion?

Let’s revisit the study conducted by the ICF.

The amount each region earned every year through consultation in the year 2015:

How To Become A Success Consultant: Your Ultimate “How-To” Guide success consultant

As you can observe, North America and Europe is still the most popular place to find customers with high-end prices (No surprise there).

Julia Stewart from School Of Consulting Mastery provides extremely useful information.

Based on the article that she wrote (which you can read in the section of resources below) According to her article (which you can read in the resource section below), this is how much consultants earn per hour:

Executive Consultants earn $325/hour.

Business Consultants earn $235 an hour.

Life Consultants earn $160 per hour.

Why do business and executive consultants earn more than life consultants?

Simple. Take a look at their clients.

Executive and business consultants are usually a part of large corporations, and it’s not surprising that they will make more money.

As a success consultant your pay will be similar to that of a life-consultant’s

Julia Stewart also states something interesting.

Life consultant salary for a year… And as a result, the success consultants salaries can range from the $55-$116k range!

What is the reason for this wide disparity? And why is it that the earnings of a successful consultant drop far less than the salary of a business consultant?

I believe that in addition to the clientele, there is an issue with the mindset that consultants generally have in relation to money.

Do many consultants believe that by asking for money to pay for their services, they’re in some way showcasing themselves? :O

I don’t understand this mindset. I truly don’t.

Why should you ask for money to pay for your life-changing consultation services a bad idea?

The majority of people have a very negative connection to money because of all the rubbish we’ve been fed since childhood.

“Money is the root of all evil.”


If you are not doing all you can to get your message out, transforming lives is at the root of every negative effect.

The fact that you are not earning ENOUGH cash is the cause of all evil. this simply means that:

  1. You’re not distributing your message sufficiently.
  2. You’re spreading the message, but you’re not treating it with enough respect due to not pricing it correctly.

I’ve witnessed a number of consultants doing a huge detriment to their clients and themselves in giving their services away at no cost.


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They’re “doing a favour for a friend.”

“Helping someone out of a tough spot.”

Enough with the excuses.

All of these issues are a result of one issue ….their attitude.

Do not forget this and, sure, it’s my motto:

Consider your consultation as A Business and not as A hobby.

The moment you recognize this one fact, you will see exponential changes in the returns of your consulting.

It will no longer be devalued your advice by offering it for gratuity as a favour because it’s an enterprise and not an activity for pleasure.

It is no longer possible to consider the foundations for your business for granted, because it is your belief that every business fails without solid foundations.

Every element of the consulting will be significantly smoother and more effective because you no longer think of consulting as a pastime. You treat it as an actual business.

Guess what happens due to that?

Your business will flourish, and as a result, your clients will be coming into your business through the automatic system.

I am sure of the details because I’ve gone through everything.

A decade back, I had my dating business SaiFai Dating.

The intention was to assist both women and men in finding their soul mates by empowering them to be able to talk to anyone and everyone.

You know what? it was so satisfying.

How could it not be rewarding? I helped my clients find that special someone in their life.

For example, here’s my client Dom, who is married to the girl he walked up to and talked to during the event.

How To Become A Success Consultant: Your Ultimate “How-To” Guide success consultant

What is not to love about this?

However, it wasn’t always as rewarding.

At first, I struggled to survive.

I had too many clients who bargained with me and refused to pay the full amount for my consultation fees ( that was, in fact, an astounding $50.– … as well as they asked me to charge them $25 .)

I can clearly recall having. I clearly remember having… Of which six didn’t pay me anything, while the remaining 4 paid me an amount in the amount of one hundred dollars…


I was hungry every single night.

I was unable to afford the rent for my house, and I was kicked out. I was forced to cut the ramen bar into two pieces to allow me to have food for two nights.

It was a very dark time.

Here’s the problem … It was me who blamed myself for it for not respecting my advice.

Every single day, I was hungry, and I didn’t know whether I would be removed from my house or not.

How do you feel the did for my consultancy?

If you are a victim of negativity and negativity, it will take over the entire area within your existence (that is why people who have a tough working day typically have awful family lives too.)

My consulting declined to the point that I found it difficult to find new clients (the initial 10 who stayed with me because they got the most value for their money.)

In one of those restless nights that I was ranting with my mother, she informed me of the exact thing that has since become my standard.

That’s me and ma outside Taj Mahal last year.

How To Become A Success Consultant: Your Ultimate “How-To” Guide success consultant
That’s me and ma outside Taj Mahal last year

She sat me with her eyes closed. eyes and told me:

“Sai, You treat the consulting business as just a pastime. You should take it on full-time as a business. Are you ready to take the next step?”

I gave it some thought.

It was a logical choice.

I LOVE consulting. That’s what I’m hoping to continue doing for the rest of my days.

Why shouldn’t I take it on as a full-time job and run it as an actual business? Why should I not do this?

Why do I be able to live on half a ramen every day? Why should I be deprived of something I know I’d like to continue doing for the duration of my existence?

Sure, but I would want to ensure that I do not ever violate my advice in the future.

From that point onwards, I was in a frenzied manner.

I delved into everything that is in the making of the profitable consulting business.

I studied and applied all the information I could. Whenever I was stuck, I found an advisor to guide me.

These three months were extremely busy when, finally, I was able to get everything down to a scientific method.

Before this transformation, I was earning $140 from 10 customers.

After a time of two months, I had 15 clients who paid me $1500.

The original 10 clients departed obviously… however, I saw an increase of 1000% in my earnings despite the loss of my initial 10 clients at once.

The entire method I’ve utilized to change SaiFai dating into a more efficient system was then reused when I created Double Your Database, which has been transformed into Consultant LLC.

Then it hit me.

I faced the same problems and issues as a student living in a half-ramen diet every evening… The same issues and problems that I experienced when living on half a ramen per night know that many consultants go through it too.

Therefore, ….why not offer the process of creating a business in itself?

What better way to use the process that I’ve used to transform it into a template, and then distribute it to all consultants struggling to make their own consulting decisions?

It was so easy and clear.

However, I had to conduct a field test prior to the test.

So, I knew that my approach is based on the business of consulting and success as well as related consultancy.

Why isn’t there a similar situation in other places?

I’ve tried it out as a holistic healing method or personal growth.

Karen tested the program, and this is what she said:

That was a real relief because this meant that my processes and templates were independent of any niche.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a success consultant

Success consultants are experts who assist people in achieving their goals. They help unlock possibilities for their customers and help them teach their clients the abilities they require to succeed.

Success consultants generally have backgrounds in psychology, consulting or a related field. They typically specialize in a specific subject like losing weight, creating business growth or personal growth.

How to become a success consultant

The procedure of becoming a successful consultant isn’t an easy task. There are a lot of steps to be completed before you can begin your own business or provide service to the public.

The initial step in doing this is to determine the things you are interested in in your life. Once you’ve found this, you must determine which type of success-related consulting will most benefit others.
Following that, the following step will be to develop your plan to become an effective consultant. It is important to determine the amount of cash you’d like to make every month and the amount of amount of money you will need to pay to start. This will include the initial expenses associated with starting the business.

Do you need a degree to be a success consultant?

Consultants do not have to possess a degree in order to succeed. What is most important is their experience and capabilities.

The level of success you achieve has more to be about your personality and what you can bring to the table than what you were taught in school. For instance, some individuals join consulting with no formal training and go on to become extremely successful consultants.

How much does a success consultant make?

On average, in the United States, the average success consultant salary ranges from $40-70k per year.

What is the difference between a life consultant and a success consultant?

Life consultants, as well as success consultants, help their clients to achieve their goals.
The major distinction between them is that life coaches have clients who aren’t as driven by external factors like success experts. These include people who wish to change jobs, people who have issues with relationships, people who are beginning to develop their personal lives, and those who need help in any other area. Life consultants employ an approach that is more reflective and assist clients in identifying their own needs and focusing on addressing these needs. A successful consultant usually focuses on external factors like how they can use their environment to improve themselves, not on internal factors such as self-esteem or self-worth.

Resources used for the article:

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