The Fitness Consultant’s Beginner’s Guide

(Missed my free life consulting webinar last time around? You’re in luck because you have another chance. Learn all about how to build your fitness consulting business by signing up for my exclusive webinar here.)

If there is one aspect of my day that I could not live without, it is my morning jog. It revitalizes me and puts me in a good mood for the remainder of the day. And it’s not just me; an increasing number of individuals are becoming aware of their bodies and the importance of being fit.

Nowadays, individuals comb the internet for information on healthy food and exercise. Anything that would assist them in achieving their desired level of fitness. The majority of people pick and select what works best for them. And, more often than not, it fails miserably.

You’re thinking right now, “All right, Sai. I understand why individuals want to lose weight. “However, what does that imply for me?”

Is it possible for me to make a living from it?”

While this may appear to be a stretch, I assure you that it will make more sense as you read on.

At the moment, an increasing number of people understand the significance of fitness and a healthy lifestyle. This has increased the number of options available in this field.

Who are these opportunities for, you inquire?

For someone such as yourself. A Personal Trainer.

Today, Fitness Consultants may carve out a sizable market if they advertise themselves effectively. According to 2017 research, 60.87 million Americans were gym members. You may be confident that a sizable portion of that number never sets foot inside after receiving their memberships.

That is because changing one’s behavior, particularly regarding one’s health, is difficult. This means that there are millions of people looking for assistance in achieving their fitness goals. And as their Fitness Consultant, you can assist them.

However, as with any company, the fitness industry faces competition. To build a name for yourself in the field, you must stay current on emerging trends and obtain certification.

Before we get started, let’s address a few basic questions regarding becoming a Fitness Consultant.

What is the role of a fitness consultant?

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The terms fitness consultant and personal trainer are sometimes used interchangeably, but there are differences between them. A trainer is concerned with the physical, whereas a consultant is involved with your ability to do more. A fitness consultant assists you in achieving it on both a physical and emotional level.

This means that you are accountable for more than simply motivating your pupils to achieve their fitness objectives. Additionally, you must comprehend them and invest in them. You must assist them in becoming the most nuanced version of themselves.

While it should go without saying, a Fitness Consultant must be physically fit for various reasons. Not only do you need energy and strength, but you also become a walking advertisement for your abilities and knowledge.

Most significantly, you must be able to persuade your students to adhere to their exercise regimens. And believe me when I say that this is the most challenging and yet most rewarding job of them all.

How do you get started as a Fitness Consultant?

Prior to taking the first step toward becoming a Fitness Consultant, it is critical to look inward and analyze your current level of physical fitness. You must bring yourself into top condition, regardless of how long it takes.

Therefore, conduct a study on various nutritious diets and training regimens and anything else that can assist you in becoming the best you can be. Additionally, focus on your weak areas to enhance the quality of your consulting. After all, you will set an example for your students.

The following are a few steps that will assist you in your quest to become a Fitness Consultant:

1. Obtain certification

Certification is more than a piece of paper granting you the right to consult with others. While it is not required, having a formal certification reassures people and builds their trust in your judgment.

Numerous organizations offer certificates in the fitness business. Before you choose one, it’s critical to conduct a study to determine which certifications are appropriate for your career aspirations.

To begin started, here are a few resources to consider:

American Council on Exercise (ACE)

National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)

American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

2. Decide on a specialty

There are numerous approaches to your fitness profession. You might conduct one-on-one courses with your pupils to provide a more personalized and concentrated learning experience. Alternatively, you could gather 15 individuals in a room, all eager to sweat it out at your command. It’s entirely up to you to determine which consulting niche is the most excellent fit for you.

Whichever path you take, keep in mind the advantages and disadvantages. While larger classes require more room, one-on-one lessons may limit your earning possibilities. Ascertain that the course you chose is the most appropriate for your career objectives.

3. Contribute funds

As with any other business, you must invest money to succeed. Apart from the certification fee, you will also need to invest in self-promotion. While positive word-of-mouth is the ideal way to start, it will quickly become insufficient.

Most people overlook the cost of travel if you want to give personal training sessions at your student’s home. This and the time spent traveling should be factored into calculating your potential expenses.

4. Educate yourself. Refresh your memory. Increase your knowledge.

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Innovative research, cutting-edge technology, and novel insights constantly challenge what you believe to be true This means that your job is to stay current with fitness trends and give your kids the excellent exercise program available.

Allow me to warn you: this will be time-consuming. Maintaining a consistent presence on a few prominent fitness websites, such as On The Regimen, Summer Tomato, or, isn’t as difficult as you think. Additionally, you can connect with them on their own Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles. This will provide you with some ideas for your own social media profiles.

Speak with your neighbors – those who eat healthily, fitness enthusiasts, and Cross-Fit trainers – they may have suggestions for improving your offering to your students.

5. Decide on a location for your job.

Now, you’re unlikely to have large sums of money lying around to invest in your gym. This begs the question of where you will work. You can work for a gym or independently as a Personal Fitness Consultant.

Both have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Numerous gyms allow you to rent time to use their facilities, which will enable you to offer a broader selection of training styles. Additionally, the gym is an excellent location for meeting prospective students and growing your business.

However, gyms may have restricted contracts and hours, limiting your business. This limits the amount of flexibility you can provide your students.

Working alone means you’ll need to develop your student base and limit the workouts you offer your pupils. It does, however, provide you the freedom to choose your schedule, work on your schedule, and be your boss.

6. Ensure your safety

Accidents happen, even more so after a vigorous workout. That is why it is critical to obtain insurance even before educating anyone. This will shield you from any liabilities, and it will also defend you from them in the event of claims.

7. Live your life according to your own words

As I indicated previously, you must maintain your fitness level as a Fitness Consultant. Your students will look up to you as a role model for fitness, and you’ll be able to lead them through workouts confidently.

Additionally, you should investigate. Never disregard a new arc in the fitness circle. Try yoga, CrossFit, and whatever else comes to mind. Because the more knowledge you have, the more effectively you can assist your students in reaching their fitness goals.

Finally, but certainly not least, communicate with others. Consult with knowledgeable advisors and health professionals, and work out with various trainers. Early on, the more information you acquire, the easier it will be to carve out your consulting niche.

Who hires a fitness consultant?

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As a culture, we are increasingly moving toward a healthier way of living, both physically and mentally. People eat healthier, take time off from work to exercise, and go on jogs. However, if it were the case, wouldn’t we observe more people jogging than discussing jogging?

If being active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle were simple, you’d see more people doing it. However, the reality is that it is difficult to work, and as with everything unpleasant, many people lack the will to see it through.

And it is for this reason they appoint you as their Fitness Consultant. Because they aspire to be better versions of themselves but require external encouragement to do so, while it’s simple to sweat it out with your pupils, the hard work comes in ensuring they adhere to their regimen. Occasionally, for your customers to experience meaningful benefits, you may need to revamp their lives and routines completely.

There are always excuses for not getting up and exercising, whether it’s time management, a hectic job, or family obligations. It is your responsibility to assist them in breaking down these barriers and developing positive behaviors.

Here are a few pointers to assist you in encouraging your kids to be their best selves.

1. Keep expectations in check

Never make unreasonable promises to your students. By setting small, realistic goals for them, you can demonstrate their development as they complete each aim. This will encourage them to continue pushing themselves since they will see the results.

2. Gain an understanding of how habits work

Habits are just as tough to break as they are to form. Your students will require all of your assistance and motivation to avoid relapsing into their lethargy. Contact them even when you are not in a session to ensure they understand you monitor their development.

Apart from ensuring that your pupils build positive habits, it would be best to cultivate the proper practices to be a successful consultant.

Additionally, you may customize consultancy packages depending on an individual’s interests to provide them with an additional motivation to remain with it. Therefore, running outside in the fresh air is far superior to lifting weights indoors if someone adores nature.

3. Something will function

There is a vast universe out there. If your kid is having difficulty motivating themselves to exercise, experiment! Experiment with different locations and consulting sorts of workouts, or take a couple of days off and head to the beach for a swim.

There is a way out of any rut. And the more combinations you attempt, the closer you get to identifying the one that will keep your student motivated and focused on their fitness goals.

4. Enlist the assistance of technology

Today, technology permeates every aspect of our lives. And it can be quite beneficial in terms of health and fitness. Please encourage your students to wear a fitness tracker so you can monitor their progress and help them develop healthier habits.

5. Be truthful

Occasionally, the truth is painful. You will encounter situations in which you must be strict with a pupil, if only for their excellence. If they fall behind on their fitness goals, it is up to you to get them back on track.

The only thing that will aid in this endeavor is candor. Inform them honestly of the consequences of slacking off. Remind them of their motivation for embarking on this adventure in the first place. Giving up is natural, so make sure you’re constantly there to encourage them to go the additional mile whenever they consider it.


How would you describe your work as a fitness consultant?

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Your purpose as a Fitness Consultant is to assist your students in achieving their fitness goals. However, unlike a fitness instructor, your duty extends beyond their physical condition.

You are responsible for assessing their lifestyle and assisting them in making required modifications. You are their go-to person for health advice. You are their guide on their journey to discover how to nourish their body, mind, and spirit.

That is why, in addition to nutrition and exercise, you as a consultant must investigate anything that could have a detrimental effect on their life. This could be due to habits, the environment, or even interpersonal connections.

The truth about Fitness Consulting

If you’re enthusiastic about health and fitness, pursuing a career as a fitness consultant is a no-brainer. However, becoming a good Fitness Consultant entails more than simply working out with your pupils.

The consultation itself is the easy part. Prior to the session, hours and days of training and research are required. Additionally, some time should be spent honing your workout playlist.

Additionally, a fitness consultant must devote significant time to understanding the science of the human body. Keeping these factors in mind, becoming a fitness consultant demands considerable effort and attention.

Many people do not enjoy a good workout regardless of how much they want a good workout. That is precisely why they require your assistance. It would help if you acted as their cheerleader to break over the lethargy barrier. This is a critical component of being a fitness consultant.

You must comprehend your pupils’ mindsets and determine the most effective strategy to motivate them. And what is effective for one student may not be effective for another.

Strike a balance between the student’s needs and your consulting style. This is critical to your consultancy business’s success.

I make this final point may seem self-evident, but you would be surprised at how many people overlook it. The holidays are your busiest time of year. This implies that while the rest of the staff is free, you must meet with a client to discuss their holiday meal plan. You can even incorporate discounted holiday consulting packages in your holiday consulting packages.

Becoming a Fitness Consultant is a highly gratifying experience and a fantastic way to meet new people.

What the majority of Fitness Consultants do not understand about business development

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Your Fitness Consulting business is similar to any other service-based business. This means that each issue a small firm confronts, you will almost certainly face as well. However, instead of learning it the hard way, you can continue reading and attempt to prevent a couple of them.

1. Contractual analysis

If you choose to “rent” gym space for your lessons, ensure that you read and agree to every clause in the contract. Recognizing that you cannot accept pupils after 8 p.m. can significantly reduce your revenues.

2. Obtaining Compensation

When you have a special bond with your students, requesting money can appear cold and businesslike. However, keep in mind that you ARE running a business. If you prefer not to deal with it personally, contact the third party to collect the funds on your behalf.

3. Making a name for oneself

Everywhere you go, everyone you encounter presents you with an opportunity to advertise yourself. Don’t be afraid to mention your business casually, as good old-fashioned word-of-mouth may still go you a long way, even nowadays.

However, word-of-mouth alone will only get you so far. In today’s world, if a student cannot locate your website online, you have already lost their business. If you’re unable to do so, employ someone to build it for you, as this is the most effective method of attracting students.

4. Investment in financial assets

You will have to cover all costs out of your cash when you first begin. As a result, you’ll need to budget for everything from advertising to equipment to business cards and office supplies.

5. Managing the business itself

Your desire to assist others in achieving their health objectives motivates you to pursue a career as a Fitness Consultant. However, becoming one entails learning the ins and outs of business management. It would be beneficial to find a mentor who can assist you with developing your consulting bio business strategy, attracting the correct type of clients, and establishing your web presence, among other things.

How can you start a profitable fitness consulting business?

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Achieving success as a Fitness Consultant entails more than obtaining a certification. Attracting and maintaining students is contingent not only on how well you train them but also on how well you understand them, as this is how you develop a bond with them.

And occasionally, it is the small things that matter. Therefore, please send a message to ensure that your pupils continue their exercise regimen outside of class. It will not only assist you in keeping them engaged but will also demonstrate your concern.

Additionally, you can provide printouts of workouts and diet programs that they can complete at home. If your pupils enjoy reading, share a few health and fitness articles with them.

When they come in for a session, be sure to pay attention. That way, you may tailor their workout to their current state of health. Additionally, by conducting regular assessments of pupils, you may fine-tune the regime to assist them in achieving the desired goals.


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