Discover the Power of Consulting Podcast

Consulting podcast is a handy digital audio file of consulting training programs.

It is an excellent tool to educate and inspire your clients.

I am sure, you know consulting podcasts are gaining momentum because of its reach and benefits.

So, have you given a thought to start your consulting podcast?

Are you an excellent speaker?

Do people love to listen to you? Can they listen to you for hours?

Do you want to up your game in the consulting industry?

Yes? Then you can develop your consulting podcasts.

But, are you wondering how will you do it?

Don’t worry.

This article will prove to be a quick guide for you. I am sure it will bring out the hidden podcaster in you.

As a professional consultant, I can say that you will gain a lot from podcasts. At the same time, it will benefit your clients too.

As a consultant, you know that your job is to motivate, encourage and inspire your clients to thrive for the best. You can act as inspiration in their lives. Your motivation can help them reach their highest potential and credibility.

You have the potential to encourage your clients to achieve all their dreams. Being in this profession needs a lot of patience to observe and cooperate with your clients.

So, don’t you think consulting podcasts can be the right fit?

A consulting podcast can simplify your consulting job. An ideal consulting podcast can help teach your clients better and fast. But, this requires you to have the perfect skills.

Consulting podcasts play a key role in developing your online client base. It is considered to be an important tool to connect to clients. This can reap huge benefits in the long run.

By now I think you are inspired to record your first consulting podcast, right?

Wait, don’t be in a hurry.

Let’s dig in more and understand the basics.

What Is The Definition Of A Consulting Podcast?

The term “Podcast” is a portmanteau of the words “iPod” and “broadcast.” It refers to downloadable digital audio or video files that can be listened to by anybody.

A consulting podcast is a webcast or video blog produced by experienced and successful consultants. It assists and guides novice consultants.

It is a collection of audio or video content that your clients can listen to after downloading.

Professional consultants can teach consultants how to guide their clients properly. By listening to consulting podcasts, you can develop into one of the top consultants.

Consulting podcasts might be advantageous if you have a sizable subscriber following. Create engaging consulting podcasts that you can provide to your clients.

If you work in consulting, consulting podcasts can be extremely valuable. I picked up numerous tips and tricks from the industry’s top professionals. You’ll gain invaluable insight into this field.

I learn about the diverse experiences that professionals confront. There is a wealth of information available through consulting podcasts.

You will learn the strategies and techniques that contributed to their success. Additionally, you will learn about the things and practices that did not work for them. Additionally, you will learn how to avoid committing errors.

Additionally, you will receive complimentary resources in this sector. To learn through podcasts, you must have some patience. Then, distribute those resources to your prospective clientele.

How can a consulting podcast assist you in growing your consulting practice?

I must confess that, as a result of digitization, clients are increasingly reliant on blogs and podcasts.

Consulting podcasts have grown in popularity as a more accessible method of increasing your consulting business. You cannot avoid consulting podcasts anymore.

The following are some excellent ways that consulting podcasts might benefit your consulting business:

Serves As The Most Effective Lead Generation Tool

Consulting podcasts are the most effective approach for generating leads. There are other marketing methods than email marketing, search engine optimization, and press releases.

If your podcast is informative, it will help you grow your clientele. Numerous consumers will purchase your services as a result of the suggestions.

According to my research, podcasts significantly influence this type of suggestion. If you can create a podcast with high-quality content, you can gain many followers and listeners.

If your listeners find your content interesting it will benefit your consulting business. However, you must first convince listeners to subscribe to your channel.

Consulting podcast is a great tool to market your consulting business.

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Conserve Time by Listening to Consulting Podcasts

With audio content, you can spruce up your business. Through my consulting podcasts, I organize seminars and sessions.

Podcasts, like email, assist in maintaining contact with your audience. However, podcasting provides several advantages. It is spam-free; your clients can download and listen immediately. This significantly increases the portability of your work. Clients can easily access it.

A consulting podcast enables you to reach a more significant number of clients in less time. As your client base grows, you may simultaneously appeal to additional people via consulting podcasts. In this manner, you may undoubtedly save valuable time.

Boost Your Revenue With Consulting Podcasts

Using consulting podcasts to promote things does not alienate your audience. You must avoid creating stale content.

No audience will object to the promotion of a product. As a result, you might include a small advertisement for your product to boost sales.

My consulting podcasts have resulted in a massive rise in revenue.

Using Consulting Podcasts to Demonstrate Expertise

If you’re going to create a podcast, keep the content authentic and unpretentious. I constantly share a few hints and secrets about how I achieved success with my clients. This enables them to establish a connection with me.

Your consulting podcast can be used to discuss your opinions and experiences in the consulting profession.

If your content is good and your teaching materials are exceptional, you can earn a lot of clients.

You Can Provide Information to Your Clients

Your podcast may be the best source of information for your clients. Additionally, this will entice people from diverse locations to utilize your services.

The podcast is more popular because it can be downloaded or listened to on the move by the client or audience.

Podcasting has always been the most effective method of increasing audience reach because it is entirely free and requires no additional investment.

Your material will be enhanced if you provide advice and tips to your clients.

Through Consulting Podcasts, Demonstrate Your Consulting Ability

You may demonstrate your consulting abilities to your audience through your consulting podcasts. This will benefit your consultancy business.

Distribute consultancy insights and recommendations that may benefit your clients. Clients will subscribe to your consulting podcasts due to your tips and suggestions.

Podcasting has enabled me to connect with and motivate a broad audience. You are not required to pay for advertising or any other additional charges.

Enrollment Will Become More Affordable

Once you have a foundation of quality content, you may attract many clients.

Many consumers purchase advisory services due to their regular listening to podcasts.

My consulting podcast acquaints my clients with my perspectives and thinking. As a result, they can relate to me on an equal footing when they approach me.

You are welcome to forego the complimentary session. This lowers the cost of enrolment and increases your revenue.

Promote Your Consulting Business Through Podcasts

Your podcast will help you gain exposure. As a result, you can focus on other aspects of your business. You can concentrate your efforts on consulting clients. Your podcast will continue to grow in popularity, resulting in new clients. After that, you can advertise other aspects of your firm.

Top Podcast Directories Where You Can Distribute Your Consulting Podcasts

Once you’ve created your podcast, the next issue that will arise is where to publish it.

A great podcast requires an excellent platform to reach a large audience. iTunes has long been the most popular medium for podcast distribution.

Additionally, podcast directories allow you to upload your podcast so that potential clients can find you. There are approximately five excellent directories and websites to publish your podcast.

However, as a newbie, you can begin with any of these five directories. Then decide which guides are bringing you the most traffic. Individuals can find you in these directories by searching for your name or the title and description of your podcast.

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iTunes is the most popular platform for podcast listening. It is widely used throughout the world.

To publish your podcast on this platform, you must create an account or register for one. It simply takes a few days to list and activate your account.

Consequently, what are you waiting for? Today, give the platform a try.

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Spotify is used by a sizable number of people worldwide. It recently made its platform available for podcasts. It is the second-best destination for podcast distribution behind Apple iTunes. Additionally, Spotify will enable you to connect with the younger generation.

Google Play Music

Google Play Music is the third most popular music platform, behind iTunes and Spotify. Additionally, it highlights your podcasts in search results if you have a Google Play Music profile.

This is a relatively new platform. However, Google is a massive organization, and you will want to take advantage of this opportunity. They have their statistics and subscriber data, enabling you to gain a sense of your audience.


Stitcher is another widely used directory for distributing and listening to podcasts. It currently has over 8 million registered users and over 65,000 podcasts available.

It has a sizable audience, and you can use it to publish your podcast. They have statistics on listens, listening time, monthly active users, and much more.


Another popular platform is TuneIn, which is a podcast software and directory. This application is compatible with nearly all devices and platforms. Additionally, you can post your podcast here.

Apart from these, you can also publish your podcast on and Other podcasting platforms include iPodder, Digital Podcast, Blubrry, and Spreaker. These are also some of the most popular directories. Publish your podcast on as many sites as possible to increase your clientele.

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Top Consulting Podcasts- Must Listen For Consultants

Every business owner needs to communicate with clients. Currently, the consulting industry’s primary demand is to interact with more and more clients. This will help consultants to connect to their clients. Every client that you get will have a different background. You have to consultant them as per their requirements.

People now rely on the internet to learn new things. This is where podcasts have become more critical.

You may stay updated with essential disciplines and sectors by listening to an excellent podcast. You can expand your understanding by listening to professionals in this industry. This will benefit your consulting job by allowing you to get more experience.

The following is a list of podcasts that will assist you in developing your consulting skills.

Lead To Win Consulting Podcast

Michael Hyatt’s viral New York Times bestselling author Michael Hyatt hosts the Lead to Win podcast. He is a newcomer to this field but has amassed a sizable following in a short amount of time. This podcast has shown signs of improvement daily.

His zeal and encouragement have endeared him to a large number of listeners. He discusses vital issues such as stress management. Additionally, how you can accomplish your career and personal goals, among other things, are beneficial to professionals from any sector or subject. You can listen to his 40-episode podcast.

The Consulting Life Consulting Podcast

The consulting life consulting podcast is based on Phil Goddard’s incredible experiences. To those hearing his name for the first time, he is a speaker, author, and consultant. He has aided individuals from many walks of life in achieving achievement.

He became a consultant after two decades in the corporate sector. He explains consulting and shares his own experience with it. Every two weeks, he releases a new episode. However, there are already 45 podcasts available.

Excellent Podcast on Executive Consulting

Dr. Katrina Burrus hosts the Excellent Executive Consulting podcast. She is a member of the International Consulting Federation of Switzerland and a certified consultant. She is an adjunct professor at several universities, teaching courses on leadership.

She discusses critical consulting issues and assists other newcomers in navigating this field. Additionally, she gives techniques and provides advice.

Podcast of The Optimized Geek Consulting

Stephan Spencer hosts the trendy optimized geek consulting podcast. He is a published author and an SEO guru. He offers geeks and computer enthusiasts the most remarkable advice on time management and life optimization. He has a total of nearly 150 episodes.

Is Certification Required To Create A Consulting Podcast?

You will feel as though you require credentials to begin a consulting podcast. Our culture has evolved to the point where we cannot pursue any vocation without obtaining a qualification.

However, consultancy podcasts do not need to be certified. While you can pursue some, they are becoming increasingly unnecessary. Here are some justifications for my assertion —

Clients Will Engage The Services Of An Active Consultant

By performing the work independently, you will continue to improve in your field. You will obtain an excellent outcome, and the best part is that it will not be following any curriculum.

Additionally, this will aid in the improvement of your mental and physical wellness. Your clients will feel more connected to you if you share their best and worst moments with them. This is significantly more critical than any certification.

Your Consulting Podcast Is Going To Be One-Of-A-Kind

Occasionally, certification renders consulting instruction mechanical. Without qualification, a consulting podcast might be unique because it will incorporate your experiences and particular suggestions and tricks.

Your experiences will assist you in resolving your clients’ unresolved issues.

Your Certificate Is Not Enough To Teach You How To Become A Professional

No certification in the world guides an individual toward becoming a professional. You may possess the inherent ability to succeed as a professional. You may lack knowledge about controlling and managing a firm, but your experiences will transform you into an expert.

It would help if you convinced your clients to benefit from your consulting. You have to work on your business without any doubt.

There is no way to gain money while working informally. No certification can provide motivation. It is up to you to maintain a laser-like concentration on your basis and objective. Nobody else is capable of doing that for you.

The Top Skills Required To Create The Most Effective Consulting Podcast

To launch your consulting podcast, you’ll need some exceptional skills. The following are some talents that can help you build an audience and establish yourself as an expert in podcast consulting.

Consulting Podcast: A Strong Talent To Develop

To create an engaging podcast, you must possess exceptional talent. Without extraordinary talent, your chances of gaining an audience are slim.

Additionally, to become a professional consulting podcaster, you must possess transferable talents that you can pass on to your customers. Without exceptional talent, there is no way to succeed in this industry.

The Ability To Captivate An Audience

It would help if you had a strong ability and understanding to maintain an audience’s interest in your podcast. If you have a dull and monotonous tone, your audience will not listen to your podcast.

You should work on this if you are not a natural orator.

Appropriate Content Developer For Consulting Podcasts

You should be able to develop excellent content. If you create stale content, you will suddenly lose your audience.

Soft materials do not sway people. It would help if you incorporated it with advice, personal experiences, and secrets, among other things.

Individuals develop a stronger attachment to life experiences. They learn what to avoid when working in this profession from their experiences.

How Can Your Consulting Podcast Be Profitable?

If you want to create professional consulting podcasts, you’ll need to figure out how to monetize them. Your podcast must be monetized. Direct monetization, in my opinion, occurs when you begin selling your podcast. Here are several methods for monetizing your podcasts.


The most obvious option is to solicit financial contributions from listeners to monetize your podcast. Numerous listeners will invest money in your podcast. There are innumerable ways to solicit funds. There are some excellent venues available online for this purpose.


This is the most prevalent method of monetizing your podcast. You must negotiate an agreement with a sponsor willing to invest in your content. Sponsors will compensate you based on the number of subscribers to your podcasts.

Sponsors can significantly aid you in expanding the reach of your consulting podcasts. Additionally, they profit from your consulting clients. As a result, both parties benefit.

Offer Premium Episodes for Sale

Once you’ve established that a segment of your audience enjoys your podcasts, you can begin charging a premium for each episode. There is a strong likelihood that these audiences will pay for your activities.

You’ll want to create some content that is exclusively accessible via purchase. It can be anything, as long as the audience is willing to pay for it.

Consulting podcasts can be an excellent source of revenue in various ways. You must put it to good use. Without realizing it, you can inspire a large number of individuals. It connects you with your clients.

Experts have determined that this field is the best. Begin today by listening to some podcasts and then attempting to create one. There is rarely any harm in experimenting with new things.

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