Consulting Model: 3 Models You Must Use For Success

Did you know that consulting began in the sports industry? It is now assisting individuals globally, in every field, in realizing their potential and achieving their dreams. Today, the consultancy has grown in popularity. People are increasingly employing consultants to assist them in developing and realizing their dreams.

With so many consultants available, you need one thing to differentiate yourself: a solid consulting model.

Being a consultant is fulfilling and rewarding for the consultant and the client. You may maintain relevance for your consulting practice by adopting a consulting model that fits their needs and your specialization.

If you are starting on your path to being a successful consultant and are looking to expand and enhance your abilities, you have come to the perfect place!

There are numerous consulting models available today. We’ve compiled a shortlist of the best specifically for you!

Consultancy Model: Four Proven Models You Should Be Aware Of

We previously addressed four consulting models: GROW, CLEAR, OSCAR, and CIGAR. Here is a concise summary.

Types of consulting models

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GROW Consulting Model – Synopsis

Numerous consultants rely on the GROW consulting approach because of its simplicity and efficiency. GROW is an acronym in this case, with G denoting goal, R denoting reality, O denoting options, and W indicating will.

It’s a simple model. To begin, you define a Goal for resolving the issue at hand. Following that, you understand the ground truth or current situation. Then you weigh your options and the roadblocks that stand in your way of accomplishing that goal. The final phase, Will, represents the possible actions toward the goal.

CLEAR Consulting Model – Overview

The CLEAR model places a premium on setting realistic expectations for the mentoring process as a whole. This strategy is most effective when your clients are pretty ‘clarified’ about their objectives. CLEAR stands for Contracting, Listening, Exploring, Action, and Review.

Following the GROW technique, the CLEAR model adds the element of action, followed by a review of the actions taken.

OSCAR Consulting Model – Synopsis

The OSCAR technique is similar to the CLEAR Model, except that it places a greater emphasis on solutions, outcomes, and what appears to be a victory for your clients. OSCAR stands for Outcome, Situation, Choices/Consequences, Actions, and Review.

This model prioritizes anticipated consequences over the current state of affairs. By doing so, you’re repositioning their situation concerning their outcomes before moving on to investigating possibilities and comprehending the repercussions of each.

CIGAR Consulting Model – Summary

The CIGAR consulting method is all about focusing on your client’s actual reality or predicament. CIGAR stands for Current Reality, Ideal, Gaps, Action, and Review.

This method provides a novel viewpoint on the standard ‘target’ setting stage found in most other models. We get a grasp of existing vs. hypothetical scenarios, or, in other words, the ideal situation and the gaps between it and its perfect state.

The Advantages Of A Consulting Model

Man beside flat screen television with photos background

Image taken from pexels.comConsider the following straightforward analogy. Your clients want to get somewhere, yet they feel lost at the moment. You are an independent consultant—additionally, a mentor and a guide. You inspire them and assist them in realizing their potential for success.

You hand them a map and assist them in navigating it.

This map depicts all of the essential checkpoints and milestones that your clients must pass on their way to completing the task. If your client becomes disoriented at any moment, this mental route-map will assist them in regaining their bearings.

That, my friend, is a consultancy model!

Individuals learn in three distinct ways: visually, auditorily, and kinaesthetically. A successful consulting model caters to a diverse group of learners.

Your consulting model acts as a mental road map,’ assisting customers in visualizing their trip. Auditory learners will be drawn in by your ability as a consultant to explain and guide them through the consulting methodology. If your customers become stopped at any time, you can gently urge them back into action by reminding them, using verbally stated words, of the consulting model’s acronyms. This type of word usage is quite popular with auditory learners!

Once your customer commits to a planned step-by-step plan for achieving their goals, their participation invests in kinaesthetic learners.

One of the most significant advantages of consulting is that you may instantly appeal to many learners!

Why do people fail and how consulting models might aid in their recovery

Two woman chatting
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1. They Expect Immediate Results

The age of instant satisfaction has here. Attaining goals cannot be hastened. A well-structured consulting model will assist your customer in determining when and how to expect outcomes.

2. They Reminisce About Past Errors

Mistakes can soon drag you down. Everyone makes errors, but a skilled consultant will assist you in transforming those errors into learning opportunities. Most consulting models allocate one or two stages to reviewing your client’s position, whether past or present, and then focusing on accomplishing goals.

3. They Are Exhausted

It’s natural to feel overwhelmed when confronted with a complex scenario. Often, many people attempt to resolve their conflicts hastily or as-and-when-they-occur. As a result, their approach to achieving their goals is reactive. A consulting model will assist you in determining the pace for your clients’ initiatives. In this manner, your client will have a greater sense of control over their circumstances without feeling overwhelmed.

The Different Types Of Consulting Models

Model of GROWTH Consultancy

What Is The GROWTH Consulting Model?

Indeed, the GROWTH consulting model is a development of the GROW paradigm. Without question, GROW is one of the most effective strategies for achieving rapid outcomes. However, as time passed, consultants perceived the necessity to include two extra elements at the conclusion: Tactics and Habits.

Thus, the entirety of the acronym GROWTH stands for;

G = Goal setting

R stands for reality.

O = Options

W = Will

T is for the tactic.

H stands for Habits.

Steps in the GROWTH Consultancy Model

In our previous chat regarding consulting models, we covered the GROW model. Thus, we shall now concentrate on the two new additions, namely Tactics and Habits.


The critical question that we must address in this step is how you intend to accomplish your defined objectives. This stage illustrates the importance of developing an action plan to assist your client in achieving their objectives.

Here, we must keep in mind the distinction between tactics and strategy. These two names are frequently used interchangeably and interchangeably. The primary importance is that tactics are how an objective might be accomplished, whereas strategy is the overarching plan that incorporates numerous approaches.

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The crucial question at this stage is how you will sustain your achievement.
Once we achieve our objectives using this model, we must ensure that we have a strategy in place to maintain our success. Some of the questions you might pose include the following: How will you know whether you are genuinely devoted to your success?
What will you do to ensure your continued success?
Now that you’ve arrived, how do you intend to proceed?

Model of FUEL Consulting

What is the FUEL Consulting Model?

Another prominent style of consulting is the FUEL model. This strategy places a premium on defining the context and comprehending your client’s reality before going on to the stage of achieving ‘goals.’
Here, FUEL stands for;
F = Framing the conversation
U = Understanding the current state
E = Exploring the desired state
L = Layout a successful plan

Consultancy models examined: The FUEL Consulting Model’s Steps

Framing the discussion

This first phase is analogous to the first stage of the GROW model; Goal. The critical distinction is that framing the discussion might entail much more than simply establishing a goal. The emphasis here is on establishing the conversation’s background, not the circumstance. You might concentrate on having the customer install the conversation’s objective and desired outcomes.

Recognize the current state

woman sitting on yellow armless chair near gray laptop computer
Image taken from

This second stage is one of the model’s most vital points. We are not merely examining the existing state of affairs here. We’re also discussing the repercussions of going down the route they’re currently on.

Understanding the underlying realities of your client’s issue will require the use of time-tested tactics such as the 5 W’s and one H inquiry (What, Where, When, Who, Why, and How). Once the current state is established, the FUEL model examines and comprehends the repercussions of continuing along the same route.

Unlike the GROW model, having a goal-setting discourse is significantly more effective when all possible possibilities have been exhausted, and the ground truth has been verified.

Thus, the GROW consulting model begins with a goal and then explores all possible paths to that goal. The FUEL consulting process starts with examining your position and available solutions, followed by establishing a plan.

Experimenting With The Desired State

Now that we’ve established the context for the conversation and analyzed our current condition let’s go on. The objective is to distinguish between the existing and intended states.

Some pertinent questions to ask your client to maximize the value of this stage in the FUEL consulting approach;

Now that we know our circumstances and possibilities, what does success entail?

What does success mean to you?

How would you quantify this objective?

Plan A Successful Strategy

This is an action-packed stage! At this step, you will assist your customer in determining the best course of action and establishing success milestones.

What is the stage’s magic question?

‘How will you know when you’ve accomplished your goal?’

SMART Objectives

Let us take a brief pause here. We spend a lot of time discussing goal setting. Each model requires goal setting. At the heart of any consulting practice is goal planning.

While goal setting may appear straightforward, establishing lasting goals can be challenging. Fortunately, we have good models to assist us in setting goals that will produce lasting effects.

What are your goals in life?
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The most often utilized approach of goal planning is called SMART Goals. It is straightforward and effective. Everyone wishes to be prudent in their actions. The SMART goal-setting process accomplishes this, ultimately what your clients desire.

SMART Goal is an acronym for;

Specific –> Measurable –> Actionable —> Realistic —> Time-bound

It’s straightforward. Is your objective specific? It’s admirable to express a desire to be appreciated as a member of society. In this case, a specific goal-setting method would be to consider what would make you feel valued as a member of the community.

The answer could be that you would feel more useful after participating in philanthropic activity, for example.

Then, can we quantify your objective? How many charity activities are you capable of participating in? Will it benefit medical research for Lou Gehrig’s disease or survivors of domestic violence?

Now that you’ve chosen to support ALS medical research through philanthropy, the next step is to evaluate the capacity of your decision. Is it raising awareness or organizing a fundraiser? Or will it be a significant contribution to the cause?

A more realistic approach would be to ascertain whether you have the financial means to donate. If so, hosting a fundraiser may be a more sensible choice.

Finally, any goal setting should be done within the framework of a time frame. Setting a deadline helps keep your objective reasonable and establishes a framework for the ‘activity’ you will take.

Thus, in this case, a SMART target would be as follows:

Through generosity, I will feel like a respected part of society when I host a fundraiser for ALS medical research in the following 30 days.

Returning to the FUEL way of consulting, Shyna Gill gave her perspective on applying the FUEL model. Her step-by-step instructions are thorough. I’ve found her superb approach quite beneficial, and I’m sure you will as well!

I must confess that when I was preparing my notes to present my ideas on the FUEL consulting model, I discovered that the acronym FUEL is entirely composed of verbs. Everything, too, in a present-continuous language! Consider the following:

Framing the discussion

Recognize the current state

Experimenting with the Desired State

Create a successful strategy

This is in stark contrast to the GROW consulting approach, in which the acronym’s words are nouns rather than actions. Isn’t that interesting?

Model of ACHIEVE Consulting

A directional sign that I liked whilst in Southampton.  Sometimes it is the simple things that catch our eye.
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What Is The ACHIEVE Consulting Model?

The ACHIEVE consulting model is process-oriented and predicated on the direction and order that can be achieved by proceeding sequentially through the model’s list. Clients already organized in their procedures and outlook on life stand to gain a great deal from this methodology.

Whether consciously or unconsciously, successful consultants are said to follow seven steps in their consulting profession. The ACHIEVE model takes advantage of this technique and clearly defines consulting.

ACHIEVE is the abbreviation used here;

A = Assessment

C = Creative brainstorming of Alternatives

H = Hone objectives

I = Initiation and evaluation of options.

V = Valid action plan

E = Encourage momentum

Read more: The Achieve Consulting Model® – A Systematic Approach to Increasing Executive Consulting Effectiveness.

Steps to ACHIEVE Consulting Model


The initial round of assessment is not only about determining your current location but also about determining the ‘how’ and ‘why’ you are here. By concentrating on the ‘why’ of your journey’s starting point, you may direct the conversation toward examining both external and internal reasons that contributed to the circumstance your client is currently in.

This step may have one unexpected benefit for consultants. They can better understand their client and the context in which they are seeking solutions.

Alternatives brainstorming

This step entails visualizing all possible outcomes and desired destinations shortly. The emphasis is solely on one thing;

What are some of the possible outcomes/alternatives to our initial assessment?

Hone goals

While we now understand the possibilities and alternatives, we cannot attain our objectives if they are viewed as ‘possibilities’ and ‘alternatives.’ This is because they remain broad and suggestive. This step involves refining and concretizing these possibilities. The SMART Goals technique is the most effective strategy for goal setting.

When we use the SMART Goals approach to refine our possibilities, we shape the broad goals we selected in the previous step. They are now specific, quantifiable, attainable, realistic, and, most crucially, time-bound.

Option Initiation And Evaluation

This is an exciting step! We now have clear objectives, and it is time to analyze opportunities that will assist us in achieving them. Following the stage ‘creative brainstorming of alternatives,’ we must create a list of all possible outcomes, not just the convenient or familiar ones.

After we’ve begun identifying all possible possibilities, we can determine which one is the most suitable.

Here are some helpful questions to assist your client in determining their options:

A Questionnaire For Identifying Alternatives

Identifying alternative solutions is a critical component of every consulting partnership. If the customer cannot discover the appropriate opportunities, they will be unable to progress and achieve their objectives. This is when your skills as a consultant come in handy. As a consultant, your first objective is to assist your customer in identifying the solutions they believe are most suitable. It would help if you did it without convincing them that the option you think must be the best for them is the best.

questions, who, what

Image taken from pixabay.comThe secret is in posing the appropriate questions. Here is a list of some straightforward questions you can ask your clients to assist them in determining their options.

What would you do right now if you were at your best?

What would you tell your best buddy to do if they found themselves in a circumstance similar to yours?

What would you do if given the option?

What would you do if you had unlimited time in your current situation?

What would you attempt if you knew you would succeed? (Robert Schuller, paraphrased)

What is an alternative that appears completely implausible at the moment?

Have you been putting off making a decision recently?

What if you could redo everything?

Which choices do you prefer?

Read 44 incisive Consulting questions that every consultant MUST ask.

Valid Action Plan

Great! We now have a clear path forward that will assist us in achieving a very defined objective. The following stage is to design an action plan that will help us implement our preferred option. If we regard our final selection as the ‘What’ of our process, then a well-developed action plan is the ‘How.’

Additionally, the action plan can be broken down into smaller sub-plans. By including milestones as checkpoints in this strategy, you can increase the process’s value. Remember that our action plan must complement the SMART goal chosen in the initial rounds.

Encourage Momentum

This step, which is one of the distinguishing characteristics of the ACHIEVE methodology, is all about promoting your client’s initiative. By initiating the action plan’s activities, your client has established a momentum that must be maintained.

Change is inherently complex, and your client requires inspiration, affirmations, and positivity to keep on course. This stage may appear to be micromanagement. This is readily avoided if you and your client agree on recurring intervals for such conversations.

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