Know everything before choosing a consulting business model (that’s an apt fit!)

Are you trying to figure out what business model for consulting is best for you? Have you considered all the options but you’re unable to decide?

Don’t worry. With fresh consultants, this occurs. In other cases, you might not be getting the desired outcomes from the current system you’re using and are therefore ready to change.

There is a variety of consulting models that a lot of consultants use. Be informed of the kinds of styles and the models. Today, in this article, I’ll concentrate on more than model-based consulting but also on the consulting models for business models.

When I refer to BUSINESS MODEL, I’m referring to the business plan that an organization creates to earn revenue.

Regarding consulting, the strategy will be geared towards providing the services of a consultant to those who require it.

It is essential to know the distinction between a niche for consulting and a business model prior to. A consulting niche is a reflection of what kind of consultants are. The consulting business model relates to the services you provide in exchange for money.

For example,

You’re a health expert. This is your field of expertise.

You offer one-on-one consulting sessions that help your clients lose weight. This is in line with your service, which implies that you are a consultant business structure.

A lot of consulting certification programs describe that a consulting company model can be described as one you can utilize to help your client navigate your process of consultation. Yes, it is. However, this isn’t the whole definition.

The above definition could be suitable for the consultancy model; however, it’s not intended for consulting as a business model. The latter signifies the guidance that is designed to increase revenues (lay attention to the ‘business word in this case).

In addition, there is an assumption of the notion that once an expert has chosen an approach to business, it’s impossible to reverse. Not at all! We are all learners, and our experience can lead us to make a different choice which is fine.

Before you dive into consulting business model and the factors you should pick, I’d like you to remember that you shouldn’t limit your choices to a specific model.

Are you aware that you can design your own business model for consulting?

There’s a lot to discuss, and I am sure that you are looking for the most effective consultant business plan for you. Keep watching. At the end of this article, you will find that your search for the exact same thing will come to an end!

What’s the purpose behind an Consulting model?

  1. Determines the goal

A consultative model (or perhaps a hybrid/mixture of several) will give purpose for your meeting.

A model for consulting will provide an exact outcome at the beginning and prevents the conversation from turning into an ineffective “chat” with no purpose in the first place.

I have come across many consultants who make the mistake of thinking that consulting is just an answer to a question. At the end of the day, they give their clients pertinent advice and suggestions and then think they’ve done an excellent job.

However, this isn’t the correct approach. To succeed, it’s essential that your process is in line with a consulting model. This would provide your session with a goal that will ultimately aid in the following stage.

2. Keeps the session on course

There are times in your consulting sessions you might feel like trying to uncover the secrets that are hidden. You have lost your way.

The consulting model assists you stay on the right track so that you dig only to the extent that is necessary and doesn’t diverge from the principal idea.

3. Increases confidence

If you’re following an approach to consulting, you’ll be prepared to address your clients’ questions. Your approach, goal and method are crystal clear within your mind. This could eventually boost your confidence.

In a nutshell the concept of a consulting model is to encapsulate your consulting practices by putting it in a layer that improves the effectiveness of your consulting and increases the rate of your income.

Effective models for consulting that you can build your sessions around

I’m sure that you’re looking to learn more about different consulting models you can pick from. Here is a list of models.



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You’ve probably been aware of this model. It is the GROW Consulting Model is by far the most used model in the world of business.

In a conversation with a consultant, GROW represents the following levels:

  1. Goal
  2. Reality
  3. Options
  4. Wrap Up

Let’s take a closer review of each step.


At this point, it becomes clear what the goal is between you and the client. This makes the conversation productive rather than unproductive conversations.

In this phase, you should be able to determine what are the real wants and needs of the person you’re talking to. If the person you consult wants to shed some weight, get fitter, or grow their business, etc.

Additionally, what the client will be able to accomplish with the consulting session – steps to take to get there determine options, or develop a plan of action, etc.


Once the end goal is defined, Now is the time to assess how far the person who is consulting is away from the goal.

What is the client’s current skills, knowledge and traits? What are the steps he/she has taken toward their goals? What are the things he/she is currently doing that can be improved? What strengths can be leveraged to get him/her closer to the final end goal?


Your role as a consultant does not make a decision according to what you think is ideal, but aids the person you consult to consider different options.

A lot of times, the customers themselves are the ones to solve their problems, and only finding it is the only thing needed.

As a consultant, it is your responsibility to inspire your clients to explore the possibilities and look at every possibility. This is possible by asking pertinent questions to give the client new perspectives.

For example,

What if _?

What would your friend do? it?

What would you do in the event that it was feasible?

Wrap Up (or Way Forward)

The choices are now clear. Now is the time to select the best one and do everything to get the best results out of it.

Your job is to increase the level of commitment from your client. It is essential to ensure that your consultee is in full understanding of what they are doing. Now, you will give your client an outline of your goals, what they are, how they accomplish them and who else could help.

It is possible to take a look at some instances of consulting GROW queries.


The TGROW model extends the GROW model in which the appended “T” is a reference to Topic, which means clarification or the exploration of Topic. The topic stage before the other stages ensures that the larger picture is clearly defined before establishing the objectives.

The primary goal is to figure out what areas the person who is consulting you to research and what you should not. This step can prevent you from setting goals that aren’t relevant. It aids in laying solid foundations and prevents the goals from being established early before the bigger picture is clearly defined.

The most common questions that could be addressed at this point are:

  1. What do you want me to talk to me about?
  2. What are the areas you would like me to focus on?
  3. What are the main factors you believe are the most at fault?
  4. Is there something we are missing?
  5. OSKAR

OSKAR consulting model is an approach based on solutions. It allows your consulting sessions by focusing on solutions, not issues.

It is comprised of the following phases:

  1. Outcome
  2. Scaling
  3. Know-How
  4. Affirm and Action
  5. Review


This is where you should request your clients to create the “future-perfect” picture.

With questions about miracles such as, “Imagine you have achieved the goal, what would it feel like?” or “How would you spend your day after the result is achieved?” You inspire your clients to imagine and describe their desired outcomes.


When your clients can clearly see their goals, the method of scaling demonstrates the degree to which they have achieved their objectives.

For example, you could ask, “On the scale of 1-10, how committed you are towards our goal?”


Your client may have many qualities, skills, and skills that aren’t utilized to their fullest potential. Now is the time to look for gold. Make sure you look into your client’s resources and utilize them to get the desired result.

Affirm and Action

Provide positive affirmations regarding what your friend has just said to you. E.g. ” I am impressed by the way you tackled that situation.”

Make sure you are positive regarding the strengths and potential of the person you are collaborating with.

Following this, draw your action plan and inform your friend how you will move forward.


In the stage of review, the impact of decisions taken is evaluated. Alternative methods are assessed, and the individual who is the consultant is asked to consider what could be improved and what is possible to improve the situation.

3. CLEAR consulting model

CLEAR consulting model exceeds the limitations of GROW model.







This is the time to discuss the issues, define the boundaries of your discussions, and define the rules for working in tandem.


This phase involves listening to your consultant. This is not simply listening but also engaging in empathy and listening to gain an in-depth understanding of the concerns of the consultant.


At this point, the person you consult with and you allow time to comprehend the impact the issue has on them. In addition, you, as a professional, look at ways to resolve the issue.


This is the stage when you have to decide on the best course of action.


The name implies that the actions you take are reviewed and assessed in this phase. As an expert, you receive feedback from your client about the value-added methods your consultation sessions could be enhanced.

4. RESULTS model

This model has zero goals or objectives. It starts by identifying the major problems and then gradually moves on to strategies to address these.

  1. Reflect
  2. Evaluate
  3. Strategize
  4. Understand
  5. Listen
  6. Take action
  7. Systematize


At this point, you are able to ask questions and frame the current issues on the largest scale.


There are a variety of possibilities, and evaluate which ones are capable of guiding your consultant to your desired result.


Here, you can lay out the ideal method to achieve your chosen option.


This section outlines the various resources- financial, people, and so on- required to achieve the objective.


Listen to other people’s opinions on the plan (more relevant in a commercial context). Rethink the plan if needed.

Take Action

Follow the plan and be acquiesce with a constant follow-up.


Be sure that processes are constantly altered. Don’t deviate from the decision.



It is important to understand the motivations

Take note of the current situation

Clarify the GAP

Options Generation

Motivate to Action

Enthusiasm and Encouragement



This is a lot like Goals in GROW. The main goals are identified and accomplished.

Understand the Reasons

This step requires you a clear and complete understanding of the motivations behind the current situation and the issues that are involved. This will ensure that you don’t stretch too much or stretch yourself too much when setting your goals.

Take Stock of the Present Situation

Perform a thorough study of the current state to determine how far the goals actually exist. Similar to Reality in GROW.

Clarify the GAP

Find out the state the client is in and the ideal one. After that, you can come to an understanding of the needs to be addressed.

Options Generation

Make sure you examine every parameter to create the possibilities and then choose the most effective. Beware of settling for an idea you have in mind.

Motivate to Action

Determine if the person who is being consulted is truly motivated to act. If not, think of ways to help bring back the spark.

Enthusiasm and Encouragement

Display enthusiasm for the goals. Encourage the consultant to give his or her best in achieving the objectives.


Be encouraging and positive about the efforts of the person you consult with. Always be sure to congratulate the person you consult with for their accomplishments thus far and offer ways to help him/her improve their performance.

Does consulting business model limit connectedness in consulting?

Every coin has two sides, and it’s the same for us.

The majority of new consultants construct their consulting services around the model of consulting. As more experiences are gained, the process is easier to follow and is less formal. It’s less dependent and more reliant on self-curated and evolved models.

The separation from the model of consulting sometimes gives consultants the freedom to work the work in “an alternative environment.”

The question of whether consulting models can enhance consulting business or hinder the scope of consulting is a hot topic in the field. Personally, I believe that it is best to use models but not entirely since it will limit the creativity of ways of thinking and allow for independent decision-making.

How do you feel? Pause and think for a while.

Consulting Business models

Models for consulting assist in giving you the framework to build your consulting business. It is now the business consulting model that will give you the most effective method of implementing your business.

Let me explain it this way: A approach that is based on solutions is the one you think is the most effective consultant approach. This is why you pick the OSKAR model in accordance with the discussion above.

Great! How are you going to apply the same method? Do you offer private consulting, or do you plan to incorporate this model into online consulting software?

Consulting models can assist you with the process and methods you need to use to make your consultation session successful, but how do you make money? This is where CONSULTANTING BUSINESS MODELS play a role.

Below, I’ve covered a few of the models you could pick from.

1.Private consultation

The most well-known among the consultants, private consultation or one-to-one consulting, is extremely beneficial as there is a chance to put all your time and energy into your clients’ issues.

But I believe that there are disadvantages to private consultation too. The time you spend with private consulting is limited and also by the number of customers (unlike group consulting).

However, private consultation can assist you in gaining some premium pay-for clients and showcasing your best self to your prospective clients.

Be aware of the following tips for making your private or one-on-one consultation sessions effective and productive.

  1. The ideal frequency and length of one-to-one consultation sessions.

It’s a good idea to take two sessions every week. Working long hours can be detrimental to productivity. Sessions should consist like a “reality check” to ensure that there is a good alignment of the desired goals and the actual efforts.

2. Always deliver positive feedback

Always give positive feedback to your customers. Don’t allow the discussion to get be centred on the issue the client made. Instead, have discussions on how to move forward. Instruct your clients to develop an action strategy. Plan a follow-up session so you can keep a record of the progress they have made. All you have to do is end the meeting with a positive end.

3. Maintain perfect body language throughout the exercise

Don’t cut yourself off from the person you are talking to by sitting too close. Also, maintain proper eye contact in order to indicate that you are taking note of. Your gesture and voice must reflect your genuine desire to assist the person. Note down the conversation to ensure that you are able to use notes for the follow-up meeting. This will also signal to the customer that you’re determined to resolve the issue.

2. Online consulting

Laptop and notepad

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Since the web has reached all regions of the globe, it is now much simpler to connect with prospective clients. The benefit of online consultation is that you are able to connect with your clients across geographical and cultural borders.

You can choose to have online-based programs or packages that incorporate webinars or online one-to-one sessions.

In this way, you’ll also reduce the cost of leasing and managing office space.

Let’s get into the depths and discover the best strategies for building an online business that is successful.

Step 1: Create your plan

Set your business’s goals. Consider what revenue per month you would like to earn? What is the maximum amount of time you can dedicate? What legacy would you like to leave in the future?

Step 2: Determine who is your intended audience is in depth

It is important to know the desires, pain and desires of the people you are targeting. Then you will be able to offer solutions that appeal to them.

Step 3: Design an offer that is distinct

Your proposal should be distinctive. It must be completely oriented towards the customer. In addition, you need to be aware of what works for what segment of the audience. In particular, webcasts or presentations will not work for those suffering from grief.

Step 4: Price your product precisely

There is nothing extravagant or low-cost. It’s all about the value you can offer. If you’re confident that you have provided a real value, do not hesitate to charge $2k for each client. This way, you’ll be able to attract people who are dedicated to making change and who are willing to collaborate with you.

Step 5: Begin searching for clients

Start by connecting with your local community as soon as you can. Start with free webinars and educational content to draw people towards your business. Don’t worry about the process. It is the result that counts in the end. Show what value you provide to your customer’s life. When you have earned your first clients, you should use referral marketing.

Step 6: Keep revising your strategy

As you continue to build your business consulting, the structure could alter. Review your plans and short-term goals in line with the changes. You may also seek advice from a mentor. If you feel there are more complex issues to consider.

If you’re planning to launch an online consulting business, take an eye on 11 tested consulting business models for starting an online business of consulting.

3. Selling products

The consulting model will let you earn over many years, which groups and private consulting models can’t.

For instance, you could make an on-demand course and sell it whenever you like. While this may require ongoing marketing as well as selling effort, when the content is important, it could fetch you an actual amount of money!

These points will assist you in selling your service efficiently.

1. Include your voice in your marketing

It is essential to determine whom you want to draw and what you intend to offer them. Beware of the sales talking that the majority of people are intolerant to. Find the truth. Your product or service must solve the actual issues of your customer, and this should be apparent in your advertising. However, many people won’t be interested, and that’s fine. Look for those who will appreciate your suggestions.

2. Stop wasting time in the daydreams by making the structure

The best time to start building the structure is right now. The ultimate goal is to generate income, and there’s no reason not to keep the final goal in the forefront of your thoughts. Create a well-organised system that can assist you in reaching your goals.

3. Pricing your packages effectively

This is an essential aspect of selling. Your price should be set so that it can be used by different segments of your target customers. However, your goal should be to gain the highest-end clients for your consulting services. A diamond will always be more valuable than 10!

4. Utilize the power of Internet

There are many ways in that you could market your product or service, including blogs, social media webinars, videos, webinars marketing and more. Based on the demographics of your customers, modify your strategy for consulting. For example, when they are children, marketing using Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook is more effective. These online marketing methods can allow you generate five times the profits you’d earn by consulting each customer privately.

4. Group Consulting

Students learning together

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Most consultants start out with private consulting, gaining experience, and eventually move on to group consulting.

By contacting many people at one time, you will save time and increase the likelihood of turning your potential customers into customers.

It is possible to have long-term consultation sessions that would consist of an entire series of sessions. You can also opt for a group consultation where there is either a two or one-day workshops. Additionally, you can conduct online workshops in which a lot of participants can take part.

Use the following procedure to ensure the success of your group session of consultation.

1. Create a secure space

If any participant is uneasy or uncomfortable with them or other people, the conversation could turn into an insignificant conversation. You must provide a comfortable space for every participant to allow everyone to connect and be at ease in your conversation. One good way to do this is to include the “get to know you” portion at the beginning of your consultation program. It is the best method to let your clients meet each other and socialize. If members begin to connect on the level of trust, then trust will naturally flow.

2. Define the rules

The session doesn’t have to be prone to become chaotic and confused, do you? This is why you should establish the rules from the very beginning.

For how long will the event be? Do you invite volunteers to attend or call them during the session? Do participants discuss their main challenges, or will you be the only speaker throughout the session? This and many other issues should be discussed prior to the session and meticulously scheduled so that the meeting runs smoothly.

3. Know the dynamics of the group properly

Each group will have people with different methods and personalities. Certain people will always be willing to ask questions and raise their hands to respond to those you ask. Another group might include people who are introverts.

The consultation session you attend should focus on all of the individual’s needs. Everyone should not feel left out. Focus on what’s beneficial for everyone as an entire.

Group consulting lets you make a bigger impact than one-to-one consultation sessions. Here are some guidelines to ensure efficient and efficient group consultation.

Criteria for choosing a consulting business model

Do your skills match to the requirements of this template?

Perhaps, you’ve chosen to begin by conducting group consultation. If you’re an extrovert and love to talk to people, then you’re in good shape. If not, it could cause problems over the long term.

In this situation, it’s better to start with a private consultation, then master the art of giving confident answers, gain knowledge and experience, and then move on.

What are the fundamentals of the model align to the actual field?

If you’re an executive consultant trying to educate business professionals, online consulting might not prove as efficient. You will need to be aware of the workings of your organization to determine if consulting in groups or privately can prove more effective. Analyze your market thoroughly and then choose your business model based on this.


The process of setting up equipment, space, infrastructure and so on. for consulting and workshops could be costly, while making online seminars and marketing for products may not be as expensive.

How does it fit with your business objectives?

It is essential to be crystal clear about what your goals for the business are. Check to see if the business model of consulting you choose fits with your goals and assists you achieve these goals or not.

Is it feasible?

You have to address this issue by assessing all of your personal requirements. Take everything into account – finances, expertise, knowledge, experience and more. And then choose the one which is the best fit for your needs.

Will it give you results?

You are the only person who can make a judgment of your abilities and your situation. Before you finalize the model, think about all the potential risks -positive and negative- and consider if another model could give you more outcomes? If not, then the model you have in mind is the one that is best suited to your needs.

Why not come up with your own model of consulting?

Why do we need to follow a model? You can create your own model of consulting. It could be a combination of the previous two options since you could also have online consultation programs. In addition, you could offer your services by utilizing effective marketing.

In order to create your own consultancy model, you must first find your niche. Consulting business models differ based on whether you are a health specialist as well as an executive advisor.

There is no ideal thing. As an advisor, you should constantly look into what works well for you. If you’ve decided to go with an approach and then realize that it’s not working, then perhaps you should give another one a shot! Do not worry. We all are still learning, and it rarely takes time to figure out who you are and adjust to the changing environment.

So, I hope that you enjoyed studying consulting models, business models, and the criteria for selecting the most effective!


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