15 Quick Tips To Make Your Consulting Blog Stand Out [2022 Edition]

Before they hire you, your prospects want to know the answers to two questions.

  1. Are you self-assured in your offerings?
  2. Are they going to appreciate working with you?

You can demonstrate both through your consulting blog.

Most of your audience is accustomed to getting services with the tap of a finger in this digital era. A strong internet presence has become a requirement.

A consulting blog is the most effective vehicle for establishing your digital individuality. It enables you to demonstrate your proficiency to a broader audience.

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Additionally, a consulting blog enables you to develop thought leadership. It presents you with an excellent opportunity to establish yourself as the authority in your niche and establish credibility.

There are numerous further reasons why neglecting a consulting blog might be suicidal. They will be revealed in this blog post. Additionally, you will learn which best practices to incorporate when developing your consulting blog.

Thus, let us begin!

Why Is It Necessary To Have A Consulting Blog For Your Consulting Business?

Your Consulting Brand’s First Impression

Occasionally, your consulting blog is the first impression your visitors get of you. If it contains grammatical or contextual problems or contains out-of-date content, people will reconsider collaborating.

Your blog can help you improve your SEO and grow your list.

person holding white Apple Magic Mouse beside iMac and keyboard
Photo taken from Unsplash

Your blog postings can help you achieve a higher rating on the search engine results pages (SERPs). All you need to do is provide rich material, categories, tags, and keywords to attract traffic.

Following each blog article with a call-to-action that directs your visitor to a free offer or to join your email list is always a good idea. For instance, my blog posts usually conclude with an invitation to my free Webinar.

A Consistent Flow Of Consulting Blogs Attracts Visitors

A fairly common question that arises while developing consulting blogs is, “What is the optimal monthly frequency?” HubSpot gathered data from over 13,500 blogs. When businesses published more than 16 blog entries per month, their traffic increased three and a half times as much as when they posted only four blog entries per month.

This statistic demonstrates that if your blog contains appealing content and is updated consistently, readers will return to read it.

Establish Credibility

Your consulting blog is the primary vehicle for establishing your authority. When visitors read your blog, they should recognize that you have a firm grasp of your niche. Your blog should address their concerns, requirements, and desires.

Your blog should persuade your readers that you understand their predicament and have a clear plan for resolving it. In this manner, you can quickly establish a high level of credibility.

Create More Effective Communication Channels

Blogs are not intended to be used to promote your consulting services. They’re an excellent technique to cultivate relationships. Additionally, you can solicit valuable comments from your readers after your blog postings.

For example, “Did you find these suggestions beneficial?” Please leave a comment below if you would like us to address any areas that we have missed.”

The Most Effective Way To Demonstrate Your Commitment And Passion

Constructing a blog entails assembling a team of bloggers, editors, and digital marketers. This demonstrates your commitment to contributing to the online community.

Additionally, your blogs demonstrate your commitment to staying current on industry developments and innovations. Not only that, you are willing to share this information to help your community thrive. This shows your motivation, thought process, and methodology that attracts prospects.

I hope you have already grasped how critical a consulting blog is to the success of your consulting practice. Now, let’s rapidly move on to some incredible tips for creating a great blog.

Suggestions For Creating An Outstanding Consulting Blog

To Begin, Determine the “WHY” Behind Your Consulting Blog.

It’s pretty simple to create a blog for fun and publish. If you want to take your business to the next level, much more is involved. Before you begin writing your blog post, you should establish WHY you are blogging.

Probably, you wish to increase the amount of traffic to your website. Alternatively, you could be motivated by the desire to establish thought leadership and contribute to the flow of knowledge. You might write blogs to develop your expertise or grow your email list. Additionally, it might be all of the above!

Whatever your WHY is, it should be crystal clear in your mind. This is because consumers purchase from those they know, like, and trust. It would be best if you directed your energy so that others would recognize, respect, and trust you.

Create A Strategy

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Photo taken from Unsplash

A sound plan establishes the groundwork for your consulting blogging.

  • To begin, assess the type of content that will appeal to your audience.
  • Second, curate how you will distribute that material to your intended audience.

When determining what content to publish, you should focus on your audience’s pain areas. You can learn about these by researching internet communities, forums, and so forth.

The most effective method is to communicate directly with your target audience to comprehend their language and feelings. You must first identify the primary issues your audience is facing and then demonstrate how you intend to resolve them.

The following are some strategies for organizing your content around your ideal clients:

  1. Filter and list all of the common issues that your client encounters.
  2. Consider the main terms your client would enter into a search engine to seek assistance with their problem and jot them down.
  3. Examine forums, communities, and groups in your niche to determine the types of questions being asked.
  4. Gather valuable feedback from current clients and inquire about any other concerns they may have.

If your blog successfully communicates this to your readers, converting prospects to high-end paying clients becomes more accessible.

Related: How can you sell upscale consulting packages?

Second, writing is critical, but so is ensuring that your blogs reach your intended audience. They should be delivered to the intended recipients, which brings us to our next point! The following objective is to determine the most effective methods for marketing your blogs.

Create A Stable Share Strategy

The shared strategy is critical. Nothing will happen if you do not take appropriate action here.

SEO in Colorful Alphabets
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      • SEO

      Working diligently on your SEO skills might be a time-consuming process. While it is valuable, there are some prudent measures that you should consider. For instance, if you’re using WordPress, the Yoast Plugin can assist you in generating traffic through your post’s Google ranking.

      • Pinterest

      It is one of the most effective platforms for increasing traffic. Sharing your blogs on Pinterest can significantly increase your subscriber list and create significant revenue. You can use programs such as Tailwind to help you schedule and grow your Pinterest traffic.

      • Social Media Platforms

      Facebook is an excellent tool for BOOSTING your blog content. You can share your content on your own Facebook groups or on other groups with sharing or promotion threads. While this is a paid advantage, it can be a valuable strategy to increase traffic. Facebook is still a perfect medium for marketers to grow their followings through blog articles.

      Related topic: A Complete Guide to Facebook Ads for Consultants – 2021 Edition

      Instagram and Twitter are two more fantastic networks that occasionally outperform Facebook. When you share your page on Facebook, your organic reach is limited. If you have at least 10,000 followers on Instagram, you can post a link in your bio. Because Twitter allows for connections, it may be an excellent match for your specialty.

      • You can post your consulting blogs on sites like Yelp and Noomii if you have a subscription to those sites.
      • If you already have an email list, be sure to share the blog posts with them as well!

      Note: Include links to your social media accounts on your blog to encourage others to share as well!

      Inspire Yourself With Other Blog Sites

      Examine the most popular blogs in your niche. Determine which themes are most popular with readers. Peruse a few of the articles to get a sense of what they’re writing about.

      This will offer you a variety of topics on which to base your consulting blog. Additionally, they may stimulate new ideas and themes to contribute more value to your expertise and service. Additionally, do not overlook the less popular ones.

      Maintain Current Knowledge of Recent Events


Person reading a newspaper
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If you’re primarily targeting GOOGLE, you should know that Google’s algorithm is constantly updated. One of the most critical factors to remember is that Google prioritizes the most recent topics. For example, if you input “Olympics,” it will provide the latest information on the subject.

If you want your blog article to rank higher in the SERPs, you must write about timely and intriguing topics.

Assume you are an executive consultant and specific government policies change in a way that affects your practice directly or indirectly. Now is the time for you to be the first to grasp this concept and make it available to your audience.

If ICF makes changes to a certification pattern, you, as an industry expert, should be proactive enough to inform your community about the implications via a blog post.

This will function in two ways: first, it will attract attention from search engines [provided you have also invested sufficient time in your SEO approach]. Second, it will demonstrate to your audience that you are an engaged, devoted, and thoughtful leader who thinks beyond business.

Create an Outline for Your Blog Post

The outline of a consulting blog provides the blog with an ideal structure and keeps it on track. After deciding on a blog topic, establish a rough system to guide the writing. Take care to keep the following points in mind.

  1. Create an enticing headline: Your headline serves as a lure. People will bite if your bait is decent.
  2. A brief introduction: Keep the introduction brief and basic, focusing on eliciting curiosity to capture the user’s attention for the remainder of the information.
  3. The primary content is to organize your blog’s material with effective subheadlines to improve readability.
  4. The last impression is critical: Create an effective ending that includes a call to action.

On Your Consulting Blog, Share Your Personal Experiences And Self-Help Consulting Techniques

You must inject an emotional component into your blog article to connect with your audience. Sharing personal experiences is an excellent method to accomplish this. This might also include success stories demonstrating how your skills aided in the change process.

If your content resonates with your prospects, you have a good chance of converting them into paying clients.

Sharing advice and approaches that enable your audience to take steps toward a solution on their own is another excellent method. This will help spread the word about you and your consulting practice. Additionally, it will assist you in establishing yourself as an authority figure in your consulting business.

While sharing personal information, keep one thing in mind: Avoid sounding boastful or forceful. Your readers are intelligent. They will discover for themselves the value you have added in the past and the benefits you can provide. You must transmit your proficiency naturally and then leave the assessment to your readers.

Create Content That Is Evergreen For Your Consulting Blog

Working Hands
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Evergreen content is content that remains relevant long after it is published. Yes, you should have blogs that cover recent consulting trends and news, as described above, but you should also have blogs that continue to give value to readers over time.

In this manner, you can recycle and market the blog post again with the same likelihood of success.

Several instances of evergreen content include the following:

  • How to… A Beginner’s Guide
  • Suggestions for…
  • Questions and responses…
  • The best practices…

Encourage And Engage Your Consulting Blog’s Comments

After the consulting blog, you should invite readers to comment with their feedback. Following that, provide a prompt and relevant response in the comments section.

For instance, if someone compliments you on your points, express your heartfelt appreciation for taking the time to read and explain how much it means to you.

If someone is dissatisfied or requests changes, communicate that you appreciate their position and will accommodate them.

In this manner, the audience will be more receptive to your invitation. This is because people do not simply want to read; they want to be heard as well. If they believe they have been heard, they will return with additional proposals in the future.

Enhance Your Consulting Blog with Eye-Catching Media

Long blog posts will consistently rank well, as SEO tactics can be fully integrated. Additionally, they would function as a whole dish, containing all of the elements in one location, eliminating the need for your readers to struggle.

Now, the issue arises when your site is simply a page of material with no attention-grabbing items to break up the monotony. Yes, distraction is necessary to reclaim one’s focus (Think deeply ;)).

This is why your blog should have rich media. While this will help with SEO, the primary goal is to wow your readers with images. Add the cherry on top with infographics, GIFs, short films, and photos. If your blog lacks these, you are putting yourself in grave danger, my dear!

Give Guest Blog Posts A Chance

Pink And White Desk Flat Lay
Image taken from unsplash.com

Consider inviting guests to contribute content to your blog. You can also cooperate with influencers in your niche and ask them to contribute content to your blog. In this manner, you may leverage their audience to grow your own.

Networking possesses tremendous potential, which you can harness for your benefit. This also allows you to cultivate ties with more influencers and contributors. Precautions should be taken to prevent associating with direct competitors.

Stay In Contact

You should keep an active presence on your blog and be prompt in responding to your readers’ queries and questions. Consider your readers’ input and incorporate new knowledge and insights. This will assist you in optimizing your content, making it more customer-centric, and ultimately bringing you more clients.

Convince Yourself of Your Expertise

Your blogs should serve as a showcase for your readers to see what they could accomplish if they worked one-on-one with you. It would be best to persuade your readers to switch from viewing your site to hiring you. One strategy is to segment your blogs into different lessons. This allows you to demonstrate your competence.

Additionally, you might discuss how your previous clients have attained success due to your instruction. Thus, the objective is dual. To begin, you are demonstrating your point. Second, you’re familiarizing readers with your work process and establishing social proof.

You Are A Consultant With A Blog, Not A Blogger Who Consultants From Time To Time

While blogging is critical, your consulting business should not take a second seat to the blog. If you blog frequently, your audience will become accustomed to your content. They will completely forget about consulting and the consulting services you provide.

You must constantly remind your readers that you are there to work one-on-one with them if they require additional assistance. Thus, your blog serves as a conduit for your readers to reach the final mile—one-on-one consultation sessions.

Always remind your audience of the services you offer on your blog. Take care to craft a pertinent message to them and their circumstances.

Avoid Being Afraid To Provide Free Content On Your Consulting Blog

Many consultants I encounter feel that if they deliver valuable free information to their clients, they will not book consulting sessions with them. Indeed, this is a rather short-sighted vision.

Reading an article and working one-on-one with a consultant are not synonymous. Indeed, the more valuable information you post, the more people will become acquainted with, like, and trusting of you. This way, they’re more likely to work directly with you.

Your prospects are not just interested in theoretical information; they also desire access to you. They want someone to stand by them and openly answer their queries rather than rely on a post’s interpretation. They want personalized responses to their circumstances and applicable to their lives.

Your blog may provide them with surface-level assistance, but they will approach you for more in-depth help.

They desire and require YOU, and your blog is the vehicle for bringing them to you!

A consulting blog is critical for demonstrating your expertise, establishing authority, engaging with your audience, and converting prospects into clients. If you want to develop a solid online presence for yourself, you must blog regularly. While you may not realize it now, your consulting blog will be invaluable to your consulting business.

Thus, what is the impediment? Begin blogging immediately! Uncover the secret to boosting your consulting business’s growth.

Therefore, why do we need to think more? Prepare, steady, go!


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