WHAT ARE CONSULTING PACKAGES? consulting packages /  25th January 2022

Consulting packages are a way to productise and sell your services by enlisting them along with pricing transparency so that the client can go through them and plump for the one that fits their needs. While making and organising your consulting packages, always keep it easy to understand for the clients. Why will anyone even consider buying your services when he cannot understand your package and what you are selling?


Although it is nearly impossible to provide a detailed approach of all the steps to make a client approach package, by the end of this article, you will know all the nuts and bolts to include in your consulting packages and how to structure it so that the client finds it useful, and attractive.

What to include in your consulting package?

An up to scratch consulting package should include all the details that make it sound effective and worthy to buy. Although different consulting types have different consulting packages, a basic package should consist of:

  1. Details of the services you are providing
  2. What is the scope of your service, and what makes your service stand out from others?
  3. How long will the contract continue with a specific package (deadlines and timelines)
  4. Paying methods 
  5. Your hourly rates, as well as the total fee you will charge for a particular project
  6. Authority to suspend or terminate the project if certain conditions aren’t followed properly

How to package your consulting service?

No matter how good your package is, it won’t sound appealing to the clients unless you have structured your services correctly. Here are a few steps to package your services:

1.Fix your lead flow

One of the essential steps of structuring the consulting package is to fix your lead following and make it consistent. Not only should your regular client contact and buy your services, but more and more people should be aware of your services and package, and thus, should be reaching out to you. There are various ways to increase the lead flow and generation when concerned, typically with consultancy business. For example, you can write more and more on your website, showing how concerned you are regarding your customer’s growth. Moreover, you can opt for other digital marketing services to fix the lead.

2.Set or audit your initial price

Finding a sweet spot somewhere between making a good profit and getting enough sales should be your target while pricing your services. Neither the price should be too high that you end up losing your regular client too, nor should it be too low that it benefits you second to none. While pricing keeps the following things in mind:

  • Overheads and other costs
  • What your competitors are charging
  • Time of your entry into the market 

The ideal price is the one that:

  • Provides you with enough profit
  • Makes your client feel that he is getting someone valuable
  • Helps you stand out from your competitors 

3.Create a landing page for consulting services package 

Creating your landing page is an utmost essential step in structuring your consulting packages. Your landing page should be able to:

  • Address the most common problems of clients in general
  • Give some solutions that show your skills
  • Show your various packages along with their details
  • Clearly show the clients how they will be benefited from your packages
  • How much will your package cost
  • Ways to reach you (email, contact number)

4.List all your consulting services 

The next step is to sit and outline all the services you are providing, starting with the ones you have deep hands in. Then mention the projects you have done using each service, and the outcomes. It is necessary to find the perfect services to add to your package. You can’t just enlist all the services you have expertise in. Instead, always add the most relevant service, keeping in mind the specific niche, your grip on it, and the demand of the market.

5.Determine the consulting service to package and give it a name

Here is the trickiest part! Once you have enlisted all the consulting services you provide, the next step is to start packaging them separately. Pick up a service you are very good at. It can be any service related to any field like finance, business, management, etc. Just pick one particular service, give it a name, and you are done. 

However, consider these two points while doing so:

  • Always name your package clearly using easy, natural words 
  • Keep your plan simple and easy to understand. If your package or its name will be confusing, it is a big no from the clients

6.Determine the cost of your consulting package 

Determining the reasonable cost from each package is a significant step and most beginners fail to do it properly. Ultimately, they get no profit and think of this field as not good enough. It’s not only about an estimate. Remember you have to spend while buying subscription services for each package accordingly. Also, as you are self-employed, it means you have to pay health insurance, taxes, and an additional medicare tax too. Last but not least, price yourself too because your time is the most valuable thing. So, whenever deciding the cost of any package, consider factors. Moreover, not many consultants think of it as necessary, and many aren’t aware of it also but always 

mention some per cent of ROI (Return on Investment) in your package.

7.Evaluate your audience and market

Take out your writing materials, and make a list of two things:

  • The niches that are in demand in the market
  • The niches you are interested in and can provide your services in the best possible way

Always select the niche that fits both the criteria mentioned above. And if there isn’t any common niche, always go for the ones present in the market demand section because if the niche you like is not in demand, you won’t have enough clients, ending up with no profit. So, be realistic and opt for the one that can pay you back.

8.Write your sales copy

Here comes the last thing to do! For the last time, take your pen and paper, and brainstorm your audience calls, what they expect from you, what is your ultimate goal, and how your client will benefit from you. Write this all and generate the sales copy with an audience-centred approach. Obviously, anyone will only buy your services if he finds them to be up to the mark.

How much does a consultant charge on average?

Although there is no way to find how much a consultant charges as every project has its own points to consider. It depends on various factors, important being:

  • The duration of the project 
  • Whether you charge per project or per hour 
  • The niche and industry, whether small or large
  • The client’s sales 

To give you a rough idea, we are here with some research data which claims that a consultant charges somewhere between $25 to $300 per hour for their services, while $100 is on average.

How to charge your consulting service?

Definitely not a hard and fast rule, most consultants flow the following way to find their consulting rates per hour:

  1. The total amount you want to earn per year
  2. Divide it with the number of weeks you want to work (mostly whole year, which equals 52 weeks) to get the amount of one week
  3. Divide it by the number of hours you have decided to work per week
  4. The amount you will get will be your hourly rate

How much do the companies pay a consultant?

Again, there is no exact amount that companies pay to consultants, or even a single company because each consultant pays varies according to the demand of his niche. The pay that a company offers to management consultants would be definitely higher than that of a website consultant. However, an average estimate is that companies pay $75,931 every year to consultants.


Now that you are well up with the details of the consulting package and how to structure it with a client-centred approach, start structuring your services and go through the article again if you find yourself stuck at any point in between.